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Fixed sometimes needed ref to inttypes #79

Fixed sometimes needed ref to inttypes

Fixed sometimes needed ref to inttypes #79

Workflow file for this run

name: CMake
on: [push]
# Customize the CMake build type here (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.)
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-20.04, ubuntu-latest]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: 'recursive'
- name: Checkout vscp repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'grodansparadis/vscp'
path: 'vscp'
ref: 'development'
submodules: 'recursive'
- name: Install gtest
uses: MarkusJx/googletest-installer@v1.1
#- name: Checkout google test repo
# run: sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev && cd /usr/src/gtest && sudo mkdir build && cd build && sudo cmake .. && sudo make DESTDIR=/usr/lib
- name: Update before installing packages
run: sudo apt-get update
- name: Install pandoc manually
run: sudo apt-get install pandoc
- name: Install libexpat-dev manually
run: sudo apt-get install libexpat-dev
- name: Install support libssl
run: sudo apt install git libssl-dev libexpat-dev libsystemd-dev libwrap0-dev libz-dev
- name: Install libmosquitto-dev manually
run: sudo apt install libmosquitto-dev
- name: Install libssl-dev manually
run: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- name: Install libcurl and cpp wrapper for it
run: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libcurlpp-dev
- name: Create Build Environment
# Some projects don't allow in-source building, so create a separate build directory
# We'll use this as our working directory for all subsequent commands
run: cmake -E make_directory ${{github.workspace}}/build
- name: Configure CMake
# Use a bash shell so we can use the same syntax for environment variable
# access regardless of the host operating system
shell: bash
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/build
# Note the current convention is to use the -S and -B options here to specify source
# and build directories, but this is only available with CMake 3.13 and higher.
# The CMake binaries on the Github Actions machines are (as of this writing) 3.12
#run: cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DVSCP_PATH=vscp/
run: cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ -DVSCP_PATH=vscp/
- name: Build
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/build
shell: bash
# Execute the build. You can specify a specific target with "--target <NAME>"
run: |
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install DESTDIR=AppDir