A Haskell implementation of the LETREC language specification from the book Essentials of Programming Languages, 3rd edition, by Friedman and Wand. This is only intended as a study project and borrows most of its code from my implementation of the PROC language. A reference implementation in Racket is available on Github.
This language accepts all expressions accepted by PROC, plus functions can be recursive. Contrary to the specification in the book, I chose to extend the evaluation of normal function application to be recursive rather than adding a new constructor.
- Common recursive functions:
letproc factorial(x) =
if equal?(x, 0)
then 1
else *(x, factorial(-(x, 1)))
in factorial(5)
- Higher order recursive functions:
letproc map(fun, xs) =
if null?(xs)
then emptylist
else let head = car(xs)
tail = cdr(xs)
in cons(fun(head), map(fun, tail))
in let addOne = proc(x) +(x, 1)
xs = list(1,2,3)
in map(addOne, xs)
fold(f, e, xs) =
if null?(xs)
then e
else let head = car(xs)
tail = cdr(xs)
in f(head, fold(f, e, tail))
sum(xs) = fold(proc(x,y) +(x,y), 0, xs)
in sum(list(1,2,3,4,5))"
- Mutually recursive functions:
even(x) = if zero?(x) then 1 else odd(-(x,1))
odd(x) = if zero?(x) then 0 else even(-(x,1))
in odd(13)