Data securely stored in urls.
- url-save output
- short codes through GZip
- serializing through :marshal :yaml
- hashing through DSS DSS1 MD2 MD4 MD5 MDC2 RIPEMD160 SHA SHA1 SHA224 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512
Great for:
- password reset links
- email unsubscribe links
- click tracking
- access control
- ...
gem install url_store
When on Rails, create config/initializers/url_store.rb using generator. A random secret will be generated for you:
rails generate url_store:initializer
Or configure it by hand (e.g in environment.rb):
UrlStore.defaults = {:secret => 'adadasd2adsdasd4ads4eas4dea4dsea4sd'}
In Rails views:
<%= link_to 'paid', :controller =>:payments, :action=>:paid, :data=>UrlStore.encode(:id=>1, :status=>'paid') %>
In controllers:
if data = UrlStore.decode(params[:data])
Payment.find(data[:id]).update_attribute(:status, data[:status])
raise 'FRAUD!'
UrlStore.defaults = {:secret => 'something random'} # ALWAYS use your own secret
UrlStore.defaults = {... , :hasher => 'MD5'} # default: 'SHA1'
UrlStore.defaults = {... , :serializer => :yaml} # default: :marshal
- if you are on rails 4.1+ take a look at
, it provides a similar feature - If you need multiple UrlStores, just use => 'sadasd', ...)
- As long as you stay under 2k chars there should be no problems. max url lengths per browser/server
- Data is not (yet) encrypted, users could read(but not change) the encoded data
- Replay attacks are possible <-> add a timestamp to check the freshness of the encoded data
Michael Grosser
License: MIT