Simple, elegant and modern UI engine re-written in JavaScript from scratch which can be easily integrated into any platform such as Java, .NET, etc. Simple and flexible configuration makes integration process quite easy and intuitive.
Note GroupDocs.Total.JS can't run on it's own, so if you want to see it in action check our out-of-the-box .NET or Java examples below.
- GroupDocs.Total for Java Dropwizard Example
- GroupDocs.Total for .NET MVC Example
- GroupDocs.Total for .NET Web Forms Example
Currently, front-end application consists of following components:
- Common
- Viewer
- Annotation
- Comparison
- Signature
- Total
Publishing packages managed by lerna.js. Lerna allows publishing of multiple packages that live in the same repository.
These components organized in a single git repository. Each component can be added as the dependency using NPM. All these components are published under groupdocs.examples.jquery
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/viewer
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/annotation
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/signature
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/comparison
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/total
npm i @groupdocs.examples.jquery/common
In order to publish above-mentioned packages, one must use Lerna command.
lerna publish
This command will create tags, build packages and publish them on NPM.
The simplest way to start development is to clone the repository and execute following commands in the root of the project:
npm install
This command will resolve all JS dependencies
npm start
This command will start a local server at localhost:3000
and serve files from project's root directory. Also will provide additional benefits like browser sync and in future asset compilation.
This gulp plugin starts a local server and exposes two useful endpoints :
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External: http://localhost:3001
- Local: typically this is your localhost
- External: will be IP within your private network that can be accessed by your mobile phone or other device connected to the same network
Browser sync will synchronize all activities performed on a webpage in all connected devices. It also will output QR code so you can access External URL without typing it manually.