Grow is a declarative tool for rapidly building, launching, and maintaining high-quality static HTML.
- Easy installation
- Jinja template engine
- Content managed in YAML and JSON files
- Data-binding between content and templates
- Configuration-based site architecture
- Easy URL changes
- Flexible internationalization and translation
- Integration with external CMSes
- Integration with Google Sheets
- Fast builds
One time only: install Pipenv
and libyaml
# On Mac with Homebrew (
brew install pipenv libyaml
# On Ubuntu.
sudo apt install -y pipenv libyaml-dev
# On other distributions.
sudo apt install python-pip; pip install pipenv
Next: install and run Grow using a starter.
git clone
cd starter
pipenv install
pipenv run grow install
pipenv run grow run
Visit to read the documentation.