detritalPy is a Python module for visualizing and analyzing detrital geo-thermochronologic data. Designed to be implemented via a Jupyter Notebook, detritalPy aims to provide an efficient means of processing and analyzing large detrital mineral isotopic and geochemical datasets. For more information, please refer to Sharman et al., 2018.
A manual for detritalPy can be found here.
pip install detritalpy
pip install detritalpy --upgrade
Installation of the open data science platform Anaconda by Continuum Analytics will provide most of the required Python modules needed to run detritalPy. The following is a full list of dependencies for all detritalPy functions:
- numpy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- xlrd
- folium
- vincent
- simplekml
- scipy
- sklearn
- statsmodels
- peakutils
detritalPy requires that input data be organized using a specific format. Example datasets can be found in the example-data folder, and additional information is provided in the detritalPy manual. Dr. Jeff Amato (New Mexico State University) has put together a beginner's guide to detritalPy (geared towards MacOS) that can be found here.
One or more spreadsheets can be simultaneously imported using a number of different ways of specifying the file path. Additional examples are provided in tutorial_dataLoading.ipynb.
# Import relative file pathway(s)
from pathlib import Path
# Specify file paths to data input file(s)
dataToLoad = [Path("example-data/") / "ExampleDataset_1.xlsx",
Path("example-data/") / "ExampleDataset_2.xlsx"]
main_df, main_byid_df, samples_df, analyses_df = dFunc.loadDataExcel(dataToLoad)
Or filepaths can be written this way if using a PC:
# Specify file paths to data input file(s)
dataToLoad = [r'C:\Users\gsharman\Documents\GitHub\detritalPy\example-data\ExampleDataset_1.xlsx',
main_df, main_byid_df, samples_df, analyses_df = dFunc.loadDataExcel(dataToLoad)
Or this way if using a Mac or PC:
# Specify file paths to data input file(s)
dataToLoad = ['/Users/gsharman/Documents/GitHub/detritalPy/example-data/ExampleDataset_1.xlsx',
main_df, main_byid_df, samples_df, analyses_df = dFunc.loadDataExcel(dataToLoad)
Once data is loaded, samples can be selected either as a list of sample names
sampleList = [(['POR-1','POR-2','POR-3','BUT-5','BUT-4','BUT-3','BUT-2','BUT-1'],'All')]
ages, errors, numGrains, labels = dFunc.sampleToData(sampleList, main_byid_df, sigma = '1sigma');
or as groups using a tuple structure.
sampleList = [(['POR-1','POR-2','POR-3'],'Point of Rocks Sandstone'),
(['BUT-5','BUT-4','BUT-3','BUT-2','BUT-1'],'Butano Sandstone')]
ages, errors, numGrains, labels = dFunc.sampleToData(sampleList, main_byid_df, sigma = '1sigma');
fig = dFunc.plotAll(sampleList, ages, errors, numGrains, labels, x1=0, x2=300)
sampleList = [(['11-Escanilla','12-Escanilla','10-Sobrarbe','7-Guaso','13-Guaso','5-Morillo','6-Morillo','14AB-M02','14AB-A04','14AB-A05','4-Ainsa','14AB-A06','15AB-352','15AB-118','15AB-150','3-Gerbe','14AB-G07','2-Arro','1-Fosado','14AB-F01'],'All Ainsa Basin')]
ages, errors, numGrains, labels = dFunc.sampleToData(sampleList, main_byid_df, sigma = '1sigma');
rimsVsCores = dFunc.plotRimsVsCores(main_byid_df, sampleList, ages, errors, labels, x1=0, x2=3500, y1=0, y2=3500, plotLog=False, plotError=True, w=8, c=8)
figDouble = dFunc.plotDouble(sampleList, main_byid_df, ages, errors, numGrains, labels, variableName='Th_U', plotError=False, variableError=0.05, normPlots=False, plotKDE=False, colorKDE=False, colorKDEbyAge=False, plotPDP=True, colorPDP=False, colorPDPbyAge=True, plotHist=False, x1=0, x2=300, autoScaleY=False, y1=0, y2=2, b=5, bw=10, xdif=1, agebins=[0, 23, 65, 85, 100, 135, 200, 300, 500, 4500], agebinsc=['slategray','royalblue','gold','red','darkred','purple','navy','gray','saddlebrown'], w=10, t=3, l=1, plotLog=False, plotColorBar=False, plotMovingAverage=True, windowSize=25, KDElw=1, PDPlw=1);
Revised and updated in detritalPy version 1.3
model = dFunc.MDS_class(ages, errors, labels, sampleList, criteria='Vmax')
model.MDSplot(figsize=(6,6), savePlot=True, fileName='MDSplot.pdf', plotLabels=True,
plotPie=True, pieType='Age', pieSize=0.02, agebins=[0, 23, 65, 85, 100, 135, 200, 300, 500, 4500],
agebinsc=['slategray','royalblue','gold','red','darkred','purple','navy','gray','saddlebrown'], equalAspect=False)
figDoubleDating = dFunc.plotDoubleDating(main_byid_df, sampleList, x1=0, x2=3500, y1=0, y2=500, plotKDE=False, colorKDE=False, colorKDEbyAge=True, plotPDP=True, colorPDP=True, colorPDPbyAge=False, plotHist=False, b=25, bw=10, xdif=1, width=10, height=10, savePlot=True, agebins=[0, 66, 180, 280, 310, 330, 410, 520, 700, 900, 1200, 1500, 3500], agebinsc=['olivedrab','purple','lightskyblue','lightseagreen','lightsteelblue','gold','sandybrown','orange','darkorange','firebrick','orchid','gray']);
If you find this code helpful in your research, please cite the accompanying article published in the Depositional Record.
Sharman G.R., Sharman J.P., and Sylvester Z., 2018, detritalPy: A Python-based toolset for visualizing and analyzing detrital geo-thermochronologic Ddata: The Depositional Record, v. 4, p. 202-215,
Code for maximum depositional age (MDA) calculations was first presented in:
Sharman, G.R., and Malkowski, M.A., 2020, Needles in a haystack: Detrital zircon UPb ages and the maximum depositional age of modern global sediment: Earth-Science Reviews, v. 203, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103109.
detritalPy is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.