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File metadata and controls

91 lines (64 loc) · 2.51 KB


Pique (pēk) is a Clojure library to read the system environment for PostgreSQL parameters in the same manner as libpq.

NOTE: This is alpha. The little API it has is not stable.

Releases and Dependency Information

Releases are on Clojars.

Clojure CLI/deps.edn coordinates:

{com.grzm/pique.alpha {:mvn/version "0.1.6"}}

Leiningen/Boot dependency information:

[com.grzm/pique.alpha "0.1.6"]

Maven dependency information:



Easily use your PostgreSQL environment variables, service files, and .pgpass with

  '[ :as jdbc]
  '[com.grzm.pique.jdbc :as env])

;; PGDATABASE, PGUSER set in environment

;; => {:port 5496, :dbname "pique", :user "grzm", :dbtype "postgresql"}

(jdbc/query (env/spec) "SELECT 'Oh, so pleasant!' AS life_with_pique")
;; => ({:life_with_pique "Oh, so pleasant!!"}) doesn't use all of the parameters that are utilized by libpq (and renames some of the canonical libpq parameter names, and aren't exposed by jdbc/spec. You can access all libpq parameters that have been defined in the environment as well:

(require '[com.grzm.pique.env :as env])

;; => {:database "pique", :port 5496, :user "grzm"}


Pique reads the same environment variables and connection service and password files used by libpq. This includes common enviroment variables such as PGDATABASE and PGUSER, and also PGSERVICEFILE and PGPASSFILE. Connection service files (e.g., ~/.pg_service.conf) and password files (e.g., ~/.pgpass) are also read, just like libpq clients such as psql.

Not all libpq connection parameters make sense for JDBC, but those that do are used to create the connection spec.


© 2017 Michael Glaesemann

Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.