Pique (pēk) is a Clojure library to read the system environment for PostgreSQL parameters in the same manner as libpq.
NOTE: This is alpha. The little API it has is not stable.
Releases are on Clojars.
Clojure CLI/deps.edn coordinates:
{com.grzm/pique.alpha {:mvn/version "0.1.6"}}
[com.grzm/pique.alpha "0.1.6"]
Maven dependency information:
Easily use your PostgreSQL environment variables, service files, and .pgpass
with clojure.java.jdbc
'[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
'[com.grzm.pique.jdbc :as env])
;; PGDATABASE, PGUSER set in environment
;; => {:port 5496, :dbname "pique", :user "grzm", :dbtype "postgresql"}
(jdbc/query (env/spec) "SELECT 'Oh, so pleasant!' AS life_with_pique")
;; => ({:life_with_pique "Oh, so pleasant!!"})
doesn't use all of the parameters that are
utilized by libpq (and renames some of the canonical libpq parameter
names, and aren't exposed by jdbc/spec
. You can access all libpq
parameters that have been defined in the environment as well:
(require '[com.grzm.pique.env :as env])
;; => {:database "pique", :port 5496, :user "grzm"}
Pique reads the same environment variables and
connection service and
password files used by libpq
. This includes common
enviroment variables such as PGDATABASE
, and also
. Connection service files (e.g.,
) and password files (e.g., ~/.pgpass
) are also
read, just like libpq
clients such as psql
Not all libpq
connection parameters make sense for JDBC, but those
that do are used to create the connection spec.
© 2017 Michael Glaesemann
Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.