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gslack-app edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

Initialize Settings

You might need some modifications to let Sheet API match your needs. This can be done by changing some Sheet API settings.

  • Open Google Sheets
  • Select Sheet API > Initialize Settings menu item.
  • You will see the dialog shown here when it is completed.


  • To edit the settings, select the File > Project properties menu item in the script editor.
  • In the Project properties dialog, switch to Script properties tab
Property Default Value Description Sheet API The name of app which is also the name of added menu in Google Sheet
app.version 1.0.0 The version of REST API, used with Swagger specification
app.logLevel 1 Min log level 0: Debug; 1: Info; 2: Error
app.defaultRole anonymous The default role will be applied when no apiKey included
app.query.limit 20 The number of items returned by GET action for all resources
app.query.no_format 1 0: use the formatted values; 1: use the underlying values

Clear System Cache

To accelerate the speed, Sheet API loads all sheet data of the spreadsheet that hosts script project. Each time you update data and want the changes available immediately then you need to select Sheet API > Clear System Cache

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