- vim - vi improved
- vimtex - A modern Vim filetype plugin for LaTeX files.
- ultisnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim
- taskell - Command-line Kanban board
- newsboat - An RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
- paru - feature packed AUR helper
- cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player
- mocp - music on console player
- ghci - The Glasgow Haskell Compiler interactive REPL
- bottom - process/system monitor in rust
- kitty - the fast, feature-rich (font ligatures!), cross-platform, GPU based terminal
- alacritty - OpenGL terminal emulator.
- zathura - document viewer with vim bindings
- firefox - gecko-based web browser
- thunar - a modern file manager
- kate - KDE text editor
- kdevelop - KDE IDE for C, C++
- kile - KDE LaTeX editor suite
- computer modern - typesetting and print
- fira code - monospace
- dejavu sans - alternate monospace
- noto sans - system UI
- cbonsai - grow bonsai trees in your terminal
- pipes.sh - animated pipes terminal screensaver
- ascii-rain - ncurses rain effect
- sabaki - an elegant Go board and SGF editor for a more civilized age.
- dango - a terminal based Go board written in python
- lightcycle - a classic Tron game, for your terminal
- Firefox:
full-screen-api.ignore-widgets = true
so videos can fill up thei3
tile. - I prefer
solely for its ligature support.