This is forked from the awesome but unmaintained: (which was forked from
- Mavenised.
- Added SVGBuilder to allow easy specification of SVG parsing & rendering options.
- ColorFilters can now be applied.
- Layer opacity and hiding is now supported.
- This library now works with Robolectric.
- SVG viewBox attribute is now handled.
- Numbers with exponents are handled.
- SVGZ (gzipped svg) auto-detected and supported. (Thank @josefpavlik & @mstevens83)
- Performance enhancements.
- Has most community patches applied. Great work to josefpavlik and mrn
- Update to support API level 23
compile ''
Add this to your Android project's pom.xml:
Firstly, store your SVGs in res/raw
or assets
// Load and parse a SVG
SVG svg = new SVGBuilder()
.readFromResource(getResources(), R.raw.someSvgResource) // if svg in res/raw
.readFromAsset(getAssets(), "somePicture.svg") // if svg in assets
// .setWhiteMode(true) // draw fills in white, doesn't draw strokes
// .setColorSwap(0xFF008800, 0xFF33AAFF) // swap a single colour
// .setColorFilter(filter) // run through a colour filter
// .set[Stroke|Fill]ColorFilter(filter) // apply a colour filter to only the stroke or fill
// Draw onto a canvas
// Turn into a drawable
Drawable drawable = svg.createDrawable();
// drawable.draw(canvas);
// imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable);