Ongoing Paper Writing: Overleaf link:
Paper Name: Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction beyond the Sentence Boundary
Paper Name: Neural Reltaion Extraction with Selective Attention over Instances
Paper Name: DeepPath: A Reinforcement Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
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Paper Name: Jointly Identifying Entities and Extracting Relations in Encyclopedia Text via A Graphical Model Approach
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We extract relationships between principal entity and secondary entities in the format of <Article, Principal_E, Secondary_E, UnaryPotential>.
The relationships which has the same Principal_E groups as a cluster of relationships of a person's biography; for example, Donald J. Trump. All relationships between Donald J. Trump will be used to train in a graphical model for one run. For example: The graphical model needs to build up recognition on a global constraint between relationships of , , , , , etc. The graphical model should understand that any biased relationship such as is very unlikely to be part of this relationship appearance (because there has been no woman in US president-ship). The model should be trained to correct the label or eliminate bias.
Pretrained: Wikipedia 2014 + Gigaword 5 (6B tokens, 400K vocab, uncased, 50d)
Wikipedia Biography Dataset:
- Current attention mechanism uses the relative positions of the two entities in a sentence. If an entity is not or partially not appeared in the sentence, then current attention mechanism excludes such data entry.
- Current attention mechanism looks at the word itself along with relative position index in a sentence, all based on word embedding of the entities and the sentence. However, it does not consider the Part-Of-Speech Tag. In addition to the current available vector representations, we can add POS Tag to each entity and sentence.