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What is it?

This is a monorepo, which contains a number of subprojects. They are all pure-backend Scala projects, intended to run against JVM 1.8.

Taken together, they are the components which allow pluto to move media from one storage tier to another.

Each specific transfer has its own component, i.e. online -> archive is one component, online -> nearline, etc. A "component" in this case is a standalone app, built out as a Docker image which consists of the relevant JVM and a collection of JARs with all the dependencies etc.

How is it deployed?

The project is currently hosted on Gitlab and uses Gitlab's CI process to automatically build a deployable image on every merge request and update to the main branch.

All tests are run as part of this process and dependencies are monitored via Snyk ( If either the tests fail or a security vulnerability is introduced through dependencies, then the build will fail and no image will be output at the end of it.

These are numbered based on the iteration, and the final images are then pushed across to our private Docker image repo hosted in AWS. This is configured for "immutable images", i.e. once a given iteration number has been pushed it can't be over-written and a new one must be provided.

They are then deployed via manifests to our Kubernertes system which uses rotated credentials to access them. As with other "prexit" components, pluto-versions-manager can be used to interrogate the builds and quickly deploy updates.

How do I build it locally?

The applications deploy to Kubernetes via Docker images. In order to build the project, you'll need:

  • a JDK implementation at version 1.8 (later will not work with the MatrixStore libraries)
  • sbt, the scala build tool (or an alternative like intellij)
  • Docker on your workstation to build the images

Then it's as simple as:

$ sbt
sbt:pluto-storagetier> projects
[info] In file:/Users/andy_gallagher/workdev/pluto-storagetier/
[info] 	   common
[info] 	   mxscopy
[info] 	   nearline_archive
[info] 	   online_archive
[info] 	 * pluto-storagetier
sbt:pluto-storagetier> project nearline_archive
[info] set current project to nearline_archive (in build file:/Users/andy_gallagher/workdev/pluto-storagetier/)
sbt:nearline_archive> test
sbt:nearline_archive> docker:publishLocal

to run tests then compile and build a local version. Dependencies are resolved and downloaded prior to compilation, so internet access is required; and using a 3G connection definitely not recommended!

This should ultimately output a Docker image onto your local Docker daemon as guardianmultimedia/storagetier-online-nearline:DEV which can then be run via docker run --rm guardianmultimedia/storagetier-online-nearline:DEV.

If you do so, however, it will most likely fail complaining that it needs configuration for rabbitmq, pluto-core, vidispine or somesuch.

If you want to run locally it's best to first install prexit-local ( which builds into a minikube environment and provides all of these elements.

With that installed, you can point your Docker configuration at the minikube instance and build on there:

$ $(minikube docker-env)  #point the local docker client to the minikube docker daemon
$ sbt
sbt:pluto-storagetier> projects
[info] In file:/Users/andy_gallagher/workdev/pluto-storagetier/
[info] 	   common
[info] 	   mxscopy
[info] 	   nearline_archive
[info] 	   online_archive
[info] 	 * pluto-storagetier
sbt:pluto-storagetier> project nearline_archive
[info] set current project to nearline_archive (in build file:/Users/andy_gallagher/workdev/pluto-storagetier/)
sbt:nearline_archive> test
sbt:nearline_archive> docker:publishLocal

Then you can use the manifests in to deploy from that DEV image into your local minikube.

For more information on prexit-local and minikube, you're best to start with and continue reading about Kubernetes from there.

Each pod contains a long-running process that starts up, subscribes to relevant events on the message bus (see later for details) and then waits for messages to come and be processed. It's set up to terminate cleanly on a SIGINT (i.e. CTRL-C from the Terminal) and a SIGTERM (i.e. termination from the OS or Kubernetes). It's perfectly safe (and encouraged) to run many instances in parallel; because of the way that they use the message queue and data store there is no risk of conflicts.

What are the components?

  • common is not a component. It includes functionality which is shared across all of the components, such as data models and the message processing logic
  • mxs-copy-components is also not a component in its own right. It contains functionality to make it easier to use the Java libraries for directly interfacing MatrixStore.
  • online_nearline is a component which is responsible for performing data copies from the online storage to the nearline storage
  • online_archive is a component which is responsible for performing data copies from the online storage to the archive.

How do the components communicate?

The components communicate with each other, themselves and the rest of the Pluto system via the RabbitMQ message bus.

For a good grounding in RabbitMQ terminology, have a look here:

The protocol used throughout the wider Pluto system is that when a component does something that another component may be interested in, it pushes a JSON message to its own Exchange. Another component can then receive this notification onto its own Queue by subscribing to the producer's Exchange.

In other words, a producer owns the Exchange and a consumer owns the queue.


To take a concrete example, consider the fact that many different apps may want to be notified about events from Vidispine e.g. the Deliverables component, different storage-tier components, etc.

Vidispine does not directly interface to RabbitMQ but sends HTTP messages to given endpoints, so we use a tool called "pluto-vsrelay" (see which receives these HTTP notifications and pushes them to an Exchange.

The key point is that pluto-vsrelay does not need to know or care about what other processes may want to consume these messages. Furthermore, it is responsible for "declaring" (in RabbitMQ parlance) the exchange i.e. ensuring that it is created and configured properly.

Say that we now have a new app that needs to know about some kind of specific event from Vidispine, e.g. an item metadata change.

Our app "declares" its own queue in RabbitMQ and asks the broker (RabbitMQ server) to subscribe this queue onto the Exchange that pluto-vsrelay created. In this way events that are pushed to the Exchange will be copied to the queue. Any number of queues can be subscribed to an exchange, and they will all receive the same messages from the exchange.

As the name suggests, a queue will hold a message until it is consumed. An exchange, on the other hand, will pass a message on to subscribers and then forget about it.

Generic rabbitMQ exchange/queue usage

Competing Consumers

Multiple instances of our app share the same queue (the "competing consumers" pattern - When our app receives a message, it remains on the broker but is "hidden" to other consumers. Once our app instance has finished processing, it can either ack the message to the broker - which means indicate that it was processed successfully and can be deleted - or nack the message, indicating that it was not processed successfully. A nack contains an instruction to either re-queue the message or discard it (optionally to a dead-letter exchange). If the app's connection to the broker terminates before either is received, then the message is automatically re-queued so another instance can pick it up.

In this way it does not matter if our app crashes or is restarted for some reason outside of our control, because if it was in the middle of something then that operation will be re-tried.

It is important, though, to ensure that operations each app performs will not fail if they are being retried over a partially-completed attempt.

Routing Keys

You can imagine, though, that in this example there are a lot of other events coming from Vidispine that our app is not interested in (we only want item metadata updates). It would be nice if we could only receive onto our queue these specific events rather than everything.

This is where the concept of a "routing key" comes in (see

All the exchanges used in Pluto are "topic" exchanges, meaning that they require a routing key to be present on a message when it is sent.

A routing key is a set of strings separated by the period . character - e.g. vidispine.item.metadata.modify. RabbitMQ itself does not care about the specific content or meaning of the routing key, but we stick to a least specific -> most specific logic (in this case, literally modify the metadata of an item in vidispine).

When you make a subscription to a Topic exchange, you need to pass in a specification for the routing key(s) that you want to receive. The wildcard characters * and # are useful here - * means "match anything in this part of the routing key" and # means "match anything from here on in". For example:

  • vidispine.item.# would match vidispine.item.metadata.modify and vidispine.item.shape.create etc.
  • vidispine.item.*.create would match vidispine.item.shape.create but not vidispine.item.metadata.modify.

You can see these subscriptions in action in the respective Main classes of the components:

        new AssetSweeperMessageProcessor(plutoConfig)

Is the code that sets up an instance of the AssetSweeperMessageProcessor class to receive all file messages from asset_folder_importer via the assetsweeper exchange and sends success messages with a routing key of storagetier.onlinearchive.newfile.success to the component's designated output exchange.

ProcessorConfiguration is defined in ProcessorConfiguration.scala

How do the 'components' work?

Application architecture

All of the executable components follow the same pattern. At heart they are console-based Scala apps and start with a Main function inside a static class called Main. This reads its settings from environment variables and starts up instances of the MessageProcessingFramework and a number of MessageProcessor instances to do the actual work.

Each of these MessageProcessor instances usually lives in a class which is at the root level of the component and many then have other dependencies which they can call out to, e.g. MatrixStore routines, Vidispine request building/parsing etc.

Every MessageProcessor instance starts with the handleMessage definition above, which then calls other function in the class, which call more dependencies, etc. etc. etc.

Many operations are performed with the help of Akka Streams, especially sending material to and from the MatrixStore appliances and HTTP integration with services like pluto-core and Vidispine.

###Common logic Each component is based around the same fundamental logic, which is encapsulated in the module. They are designed to respond to messages that occur elsewhere in the system which are notified via the message queue, and then ensure that a copy of the given media is present in the required storage tier. Once this has been done, another message is output indicating that the operation took place.

Failures are split into two kinds; "retryable" and "permanent" failures.

  • If a permanent failure (i.e. one for which there is no point retrying) occurs during the processing of a message, then the original message is sent to a dead-letter queue via a dead-letter exchange, with a number of fields set to indicate what went wrong.
  • If a retryable failure occurs, then the original message is sent to a "retry" queue via a retry exchange. The "retry" queue is not directly subscribed, but all messages have a TTL (time-to-live) value set on them. Once this TTL expires they are re-routed back to the "retry-input" exchange, which is picked up by an app instance and replayed. In this way, retries are kept outside the scope of any running instance so it is safe for instances to crash or be restarted at any point.

Schematically, the logic looks like this:

RabbitMQ subscription

In practise, this is represented by the MessageProcessingFramework class. In order to be initialised, this requires a list of ProcessorConfiguration instances which associates a "processor" (i.e. an implementation of the MessageProcessor interface) with an exchange to subscribe to, a routing key spec to narrow down the subscription and an "outgoing" routing key to use for success messages.

You can see this being set up in Main.scala.

Once initiated, it will connect to rabbitMQ and declare a queue with a specific name. This name is shared between all instances, so we have a single queue for the app that receives messages from all the different exchanges (including our own, and our own retries).

The logic in MessageProcessor takes care of routing an incoming message to the correct MessageProcessor instance, based on the incoming exchange name and the routing key, both of which are carried in the message's metadata.

The handleMessage method of the MessageProcessor instance is then called with the parsed message JSON and the routing key that it came from.

The Framework then waits for the Future returned from the MessageProcessor to complete. The action it takes depends on the value of the Future:

  • a Right signifies success. The Right should contain a JSON object to send out, which is serialised to a string and sent onto the app's output exchange with the routing key given in the ProcessorConfiguration. The original message is ack'd on the broker, removing it from the queue
  • a Left signifies a retryable failure. The Left should contain a string describing the failure, which is logged.
    • The original message is nack'd without retry on the original queue and a copy is sent to the "retry exchange".
    • The "Retry exchange" is subscribed by the "retry queue", which has a Time-To-Live attribute set on it.
    • The message copy also has a Time-To-Live attribute set, and whichever is the lower of these two settings is used.
    • Once the time-to-live is expired, the message broker forwards it on to the designated "dead-letter exchange" of the retry queue, which then immediately forwards it back to the input queue.
    • In this way we have a retry loop that can act without blocking application instances and allowing other content to be processed at the same time
  • a Failure (i.e. failed future) signifies a permanent failure. The exception message should contain a string describing the failure, which is logged.
    • The original message is nack'd without retry on the original queue.
    • A copy is sent to the "dead-letter exchange" which is subscribed by the dead-letter queue ("DLQ"). This copy has extra metadata fields set on it indicating the failure and where it originally came from.

Implementing a processor

In order to actually do something with a message, you must create a subclass (well an implementation really) of the MessageProcessor trait.

This is as simple as providing an implementation of the following method in your own class:

def handleMessage(routingKey:String, msg:Json):Future[Either[String,MessageProcessorReturnValue]]

and following the protocol above to represent success, retryable failure or permanent failure.

MessageProcessorReturnValue is defined in MessageProcessorReturnValue.scala and exists to allow success messages to be sent to multiple locations.

In practise though, you can normally just return a circe Json object and rely on an implicit converter, like this:

import io.circe.syntax._

class MyProcessor extends MessageProcessor {
  def handleMessage(routingKey:String, msg:Json):Future[Either[String,MessageProcessorReturnValue]] = {
    // do stuff here.......


When the system is actually running in practise, it quickly becomes very difficult to understand the logs. This is because you potentially have a lot of messages, some retrying, some new, being processed across a lot of instances. Not every failure is a problem; some messages are expected to loop through a few retries before an external system has "caught up" (e.g. validating that a file exists in the archive storage).

For this reason, we use ELK (Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana) to parse and warehouse the logs. Each log line has a format which is defined in a resources/logback.xml configuration file and looks like this:

%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ} [%thread] [%X{msgId};%X{retryAttempt};%X{routingKey};%X{exchange};%X{isRedeliver}] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n


  • timestamp
  • thread ID
  • message ID that is being processed. This is arbitrary and set by the sender; we normally use UUIDs. Allows you to cross-reference the events or filter across multiple retries
  • retry attempt counter. Starts at 0, this is incremented every time a message is retried. Note that a message will not necessarily be retried on the same instance that received it before
  • routing key of the message that is being processed
  • exchange that sent the message that is being processed
  • a boolean flag indicating whether the message has been redelivered by the broker (i.e. because something failed)
  • log level
  • class/logger name
  • message

These fields are parsed out in logstash and can be used for filtering, so you can quickly zoom in on why a specific file 'X' seems to be failing.


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