An InformaCam app to generate verifiable media.
git clone
cd InformaApp/
git submodules update --init --recursive
cd app/
ant clean debug
This is information for building the primary submodule for InformaApp, the InformaCam Core Library, located at external/InformCam
- Android SDK
- Working Android NDK toolchain
Follow these steps to setup your dev environment:
Checkout InformaCam git repo
Init and update git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
env variable is set to the location of your NDK, example:export NDK_BASE=/path/to/android-ndk
Build android-ffmpeg
cd external/android-ffmpeg-java/external/android-ffmpeg/ ./
Build IOCipher
cd external/IOCipher/ make -C external ndk-build
Using Eclipse
Import into Eclipse (using the "existing projects" option) the projects in this order:
external/OnionKit/library external/android-ffmpeg-java/ external/IOCipher/ external/ODKFormParser/
Using ANT
./ ant clean debug