PHP Battlerite is an easy composer PHP API to get all the data you need from the Developer Battlerite API.
Note: I do not own the Developer Battlerite API. I do not work with Stunlock Studios. This is an unofficial project. This project uses the Developer Battlerite API with an unique key. You will must request one.
+-- .editorconfig
+-- .gitattributes
+-- .scrutinizer.yml
+-- .travis.yml
+-- .gitignore
+-- composer.json
+-- composer.lock
+-- phpunit.xml
+-- assets
| +-- battlerite.png
+-- src
| +-- Config.php
| +-- Main.php
| +-- Config
| | +-- apikey.php
| | +-- phpbattlerite.php
| +-- Exceptions
| | +-- ConfigFileNotFoundException.php
| | +-- Exception.php
| +-- Facedes
| | +-- PhpBattleriteFacede.php
| +-- ServiceProviders
| | +-- PhpBattleriteServiceProvider.php
+-- tests
| +-- PhpBattleriteTest.php
| +-- TestCase.php
+-- vendor
Thanks for considering contributing to PHP Battlerite!
We welcome any type of contribution, not only code. You can help with:
- QA: File bug reports, the more details you can give the better (e.g. screenshots with the console open);
- Community: Presenting the project at meetups, organizing a dedicated meetup for the local community;
- Code: Take a look at the open issues. Even if you can't write the code yourself, you can comment on them, showing that you care about a given issue matters. It helps us triage them.
- Add all the requests available at Developer Battlerite API.
- Test on Laravel 5.5+.
- Add 100% test coverage.
- Make a full
- Add Travis CI.
- Publish package on packagist.
MIT © guastallaigor