My dotfiles for macOS.
- Install xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
- Install Homebrew
- Clone this repository to
. - Install Homebrew apps with Brewfile (
brew bunde install --file ~/.dotfiles/Brewfile
) - Symlink files into home directory:
cd ~/.dotfiles; stow .
- You may have some errors because default files were already created. You will have to clean those up.
- Post-homebrew initialization:
- Update
with your name and email - Update
with your OpenWeathermap API key - Create new SSH keys.
- Run the macOS defaults config:
- Run
If this machine will be doing Time Machine updates, start Asimov
sudo brew services start asimov
- Clone TPM to computer
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
- Install plugins: Run
(that's a capital I) in tmux.
Use the instructions from the Castor github for installation.
- Install rust tooling via rustup