A simple example of a microservices architecture using kubernetes.
It is a shipping tracker, composed by:
- Webapp
(Angular and Spring)
- Message Queue
- Position Tracker
- Position Simulator
- API Gateway
- Persistent Storage
- Logging
- Log Storing
- Log Visualization
- Monitoring
- Monitoring Visualization
- Alerts
(AlertManager and Slack)
- Ingress Controller
All the services/resources above run inside a kubernetes cluster.
All the files used to config the microservices system can be found inside the example folder.
- How to run locally
- How to run on production
- How it works
- How to apply changes
- How to see status
- Zero down time deployment
- How replica set works
- Service discovery and communication between pods
- How persistent volume works
- How to get into EC2 Instance
- Using nano editor with KOPS
- How to install Prometheus and Grafana on EC2 Instance
- How to config Ingress Controllers on Kubernetes Cluster
- How to use the AlertManager with Slack
- Helping Prometheus to verify ETCD service
- How to Auto-scale Pods
- Readiness and Liveness Probe
- Best Practices
- Setting up ConfigMaps as Environmental Variables
- What is a DaemonSet
- Setting up CI/CI to Kubernetes Cluster
- Useful commands
You'll need to install Minikube, Docker, VirtualBox and Kubectl.
After installing the needed apps, do the following:
- Start minikube
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox --memory 4096
# After using this command you can use only minikube start to make it to work next time
- Link your Docker CLI with minikube
eval $(minikube docker-env) # Automatically gets docker configured for you
- Bootstrap all the microservices and resources in your kubernetes local cluster
kubectl apply -f ./example/dev/
You'll need a EC2 Instance, IAM Credentials, S3 Bucket, Kops and Kubectl.
Follow the steps bellow to get your kubernetes cluster ready on AWS:
Create a EC2 Instance
Get into the instance
Create a IAM User with
AmazonEC2FullAccess, AmazonRoute53FullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, IAMFullAccess, AmazonVPCFullAccess
permissions -
Configure the IAM User on the EC2 Instance
Create a S3 Bucket to use as cluster storage
Config the environmental variables (name and bucket) on the EC2 Instance
Create the cluster configuration
Customize the cluster configuration (optional)
Start the cluster
Start the resources using
kubectl apply
on .yaml files from/example/prod
The steps 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 are covered on Getting Started - KOPS.
Basically in Kubernetes we use the concept of Pod (that's like VM which you can run multiple containers inside).
If we want to make this Pod to be visible on the internet, we need to use a Service to expose it.
# Pod that runs a Angular Application with the help of a pre-made docker image
# Service that exposes the Angular Application to internet
kubectl apply -f $FILE_NAME
# Examples
# kubectl apply -f webapp-pod.yaml
# kubectl apply -f webapp-service.yaml
kubectl get all
The basic concept is:
- You have a running Pod [1] and Service.
- You deploy a new Pod [2] with a new label.
- The new Pod [2] started running.
- Change the selector of Service to point at the label of the new Pod [2].
And you're done! The Service will select the new Pod to expose on internet.
You can have a maximum number of pods running at the same time using a single configuration.
Besides, if one of the pods goes down, the replica set starts a new one in order to reach the maximum pods you specified.
We use the Deployment to manage our replica sets.
Basically, after applying a change to a Deployment, it will initialize a new replica set and, after it is ready, the old one goes down automatically.
In order to communicate pods, we can not just use the IP of pods, since it gets random values everytime it restarts. So in order to achieve it, we need to use a Kubernetes Service called kube-dns - this service has all key pairs with ip and label of current running pods.
So, if we have a Pod called queue and he has its own Service with ClusterIP type it will be accessible inside the VM by its label name: queue.
Besides, if it has a Service with NodeType type it will be accessible outside the VM using the Kubernetes IP and the Port that was defined on its service.
If we create a pod that needs to save data (per example, a mongodb pod) we need to specify in its config file a option called volumeMounts and volumes, because, if we don't do that, the data will be saved on the container and, if it dies, the data dies with it.
With a persistent volume we can keep the data safe on the needed folder while making sure it will not die if the pod dies.
In order to make it scalable, we can create another file only to config the storage that will be used by the pod (Ex: PodConfig and StorageConfig).
So, we can have a Persistent Volume config and a Persistent Volume Claims config for the given pod (Basically the first gives the default config for the persistent storage and the second makes a request to use a persistent storage based on the default config)
In order to get into a ec2 instance, you'll need to create a new one, get a key pair and run the following commands
ssh -i $KEY_PAIR_FILE_NAME.pem ec2-user@$EC2_INSTANCE_IP
# Use the command below if you have permission issues when doing the command above
chmod go-rwx $KEY_PAIR_FILE_NAME.pem
echo $EDITOR
export EDITOR=nano
Install Helm on the EC2 Instance
Add permissions to Helm on the EC2 Instance
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
- Add the stable repository for helm
helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
helm repo update
- Install Prometheus package
helm install monitoring stable/prometheus-operator
- Change Grafana config
kubectl edit service/monitoring-grafana
# Then change the 'Type: ClusterIP' to 'Type: LoadBalancer'
- Open grafana
Go to the LoadBalancer URL that's related to Grafana and use the following credentials to log into Grafana:
user: admin
password: prom-operator
More helm charts for kubernetes can be found on helm/charts repository
When the system scales up, it turns to be painful to have multiple load balancers for lots of resources, so, in order to solve this problem we can use a Ingress Controller.
A Ingress Controller is basically a Nginx service that will route every request of a single Load Balancer to a specified resource on the kubernetes cluster.
So, in order to deploy a Ingress Controller to AWS, do the following:
- Install the service using the example on example/prod/ingress-mandatory.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress-mandatory.yaml
- Install Layer 4 config for Load Balancer using the example on example/prod/ingress-service-l4.yaml and example/prod/ingress-configmap-l4.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress-service-l4.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress-configmap-l4.yaml
- Setup the config file for the ingress controller using the example on example/prod/ingress.yaml
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
- Point the necessary subdomains (that you configured on ingress.yaml) to the Load Balancer Url using A Records.
All the raw tutorial can be found on Kubernetes - Ingress Nginx Deploy.
Get the pod name used by alertmanager (Ex: prometheus-alertmanager)
Delete its secret
kubectl delete secret prometheus-alertmanager
- Create a new secret with the needed options (Ex: example/prod/alermanager.yaml)
kubectl create secret generic prometheus-alertmanager --from-file=alertmanager.yaml
Since the default gateway on AWS is configured such a way prometheus can not access ports 4001 and 4002, we need to add this ports manually with the help of the following steps:
Go to
Security Groups
Click on the master node security group
Click on Inbound
Click on Edit
Change the port range of
4003 - 65535
to4001 - 65535
We're able to define some rules in order to automatically scale the pods when it gets a defined maximum use of Memory, CPU, etc.
kubectl autoscale deployment $DEPLOYMENT_NAME --cpu-percent 400 --min 1 --max 4
By doing it, the pods will scale up when above the expected cpu value, but, when it gets below the expected for some time (~10min) it will scale down automatically.
In order to see the current Horizontal Pod Autoscalling we can use the following command:
kubectl get hpa
When we increase the number of pod instances, after the new pods are up, they will need some seconds before being able to receive requests (what can give back a 502 response).
To solve this problem, an approach we can take in order to solve this problem is adding a readinessProbe
configuration to the Pod .yaml.
By doing so, the requests will go only to the up pod till it gets the time you configured on readinessProbe
. After the new Pod has reached the configured amount of time up, it will be able to receive requests.
Scheduling Memory Request and Memory Limit for pods
Scheduling CPU Request and CPU Limit for pods
Creating ConfigMaps to help with environmental variables management
Create a ConfigMap following the example file (database-config.yaml)
Then, after setting up the configMap following the example above, we'll be able to access two variables globally: DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_PASSWORD
In order to use these global variables on another resources, we'll have to do the following to their .yaml config file on the env section:
- configMapRef:
name: global-database-config
Now the resource with the config above will have access to DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_PASSWORD variables.
A DaemonSet basically ensures that all nodes on the cluster run a copy of a specified pod.
For example, it is used when we need to add a log service on the cluster and it need a logging app to be running inside every node (ex: Fluentd)
- Install Jenkins
# Get the Dockerfile and jenkins.yaml from ./example/prod and run
docker image build -t myjenkins .
kubectl apply -f jenkins.yaml
Add the repository to a new project on Jenkins
Add a Jenkinsfile to that repository in order to describe to Jenkins how to build the project (Example of Jenkinsfile for the API Gateway on /example/prod/Jenkinsfile)
minikube status # Show status of minikube
minikube ip # Shows ip of current running minikube
minikube restart # Restarts minikube
minikube stop # Stops minikube
docker ps # Show running containers
docker run -it IMAGE_NAME sh # Open shell inside container
docker container stop $CONTAINER_ID # Stop given container by id
# Ex: docker container stop 23kda2135
# Ex: docker container run -p 8080:80 -d richardchesterwood/k8s-fleetman-webapp-angular:release0-5
systemctl status docker # Status of current docker service running on computer
$SERVICE_NAME service restart # Restarts given service
# Ex: docker service restart
kubectl describe pod $POD_NAME # Describes status of given pod by name
# Ex: kubectl describe pod webapp
kubectl describe replicaset $REPLICASET_NAME # Describes status of given replicaset name
# Ex: kubectl describe replicaset webapp
kubectl describe service $SERVICE_NAME # Describes status of given service name
# Ex: kubectl describe service fleetman-webapp
kubectl -it exec $POD_NAME sh # Executes the terminal inside given pod by name
# Ex: kubectl -it exec webapp sh
kubectl get pods # Gets pods
kubectl get pods --show-labels # Gets pods and labels
kubectl get pods --show-labels -l $LABEL_NAME=$LABEL_VALUE # Gets pods with the given label
# Ex: kubectl get pods --show-label -l release=0
kubectl delete svc $SERVICE_NAME # Deletes a service using its name
# Ex: kubectl delete svc fleetman-webapp
kubectl delete pod $POD_NAME # Deletes a pod using its name
# Ex: kubectl delete pod webapp-release-0-5
kubectl rollout status deploy $DEPLOYMENT_NAME # Shows a info about the current deployment running
# Ex: kubectl rollout status deploy webapp
nslookup $SERVICE_NAME_OR_POD_NAME # Gets the IP Address for the given ip/service name, must be used with the sh of the pod/service
# Ex: nslookup database
kubectl delete -f $FILES_PATH # Deletes kubernetes resources based on files of the given path
# Ex: kubectl delete -f .
kubectl logs $RESOURCE_NAME # Shows the logs of the given resource name, useful to debug
# Ex: kubectl logs queue
kubectl get pods -o wide # Shows pods and node ips
kops update cluster ${NAME} --yes # Deploys the cluster with the configurations you've made
kops delete cluster --name ${NAME} --yes # Deletes the cluster
kops edit cluster ${NAME} # Edits the default cluster configurations
kops get ig --name ${NAME} # Shows the current configuration of cluster
helm ls # Lists all helm installations
helm delete --purge $INSTALLATION_NAME # Deletes helm installations
# Ex: helm delete --purge mysql
kubectl config view --minify # Shows set configs for the kubernetes