This is version 2 of the site. You can check out the source code of version 1 poweered by Siteleaf and Jekyll.
- Next.js
- Notion API
- Chakra UI
- Notion as CMS
- FormBold for contact form backend
- Umami for traffic analytics
Each blog post is a Notion page in a Notion database. During build time, all pages are statically generated pulling information using the Notion API.
To render the blog posts, I implemented a NotionPageRenderer
component. Learn more about it in NotionPageRenderer > README.
<NotionPageRenderer blocks={blocks} />
🖼❕ Images hosted in Notion can't be optimized with next/image
because their URLs are temporary. Check out the README above and the repo guillermodlpa/upload-notion-images-to-cloudinary for more details.
It's truly a pain in the ass to write and edit large chunks of copy in JSX or as strings. That's why I used markdown for the portfolio project descriptions, and @next/mdx
to parse it to React. The result is actually delightful to work with as a developer!
The contact form backend is powered by FormBold. It's as easy to use as signing up, creating a form, and posting the payload to the given form's endpoint. Note that the request fails with a 500 if any of the values is undefined or empty string.
The RSS feed ( is generated dynamically, pulling the blog posts and returning them in RSS feed XML format. Check out the implementation.
Before, I had the RSS generated in the postbuild
step using next-rss. That package was perfect except was perfect except for the fact that it seemed to bug out with dynamic routes, so I forked it and made a version with the fix and the ability to add more information to the feed items: @guillermodlpa/next-rss.