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WordPress Gulp Boilerplate

This is a repo for streamlining WordPress Theme development.


  • Clone this repo and pull WordPress submodule git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Install npm.
  • Run npm install to get all dependecies.
  • Edit wp-config.php to configure your $table_prefix.
  • Create config-local.php file basing on config-sample.php and fill it with your local database configuration.
  • Run gulp build to build your local environment folder.

Files structure

This starter kit uses src, build, and dist folders, which you can find in content folder, to organize theme development.

  • src is the srouce of your development. The structure looks like in WordPress wp-content folder.
  • build folder is generated running gulp build. When developing in the local environment, WordPress grabs all the content from here.
  • dist folder is generated running gulp dist. When you push your site to staging or production environment, WordPress grabs the content from here.

To Do

Some ideas will be borrowed from gulp-starter

  • Theme
    • Setting up a basic theme with:
      • All the necessary files according to WordPress Standards
      • get_component() function
      • ACF plugin
    • Adding a Child Theme
  • Styles
    • Linting
    • Compiling SASS
    • Autoprefixing
    • Supporting newer/future CSS
    • Minifying
  • JavaScript
    • Linting
    • Compiling ES6
    • Minifying
  • Images
    • Compressing
  • Icons
    • Auto-generating Icon Fonts from SVG Icons
  • BrowserSync / LiveReload
    • Enabling BrowserSync / LiveReload
  • Deployment
    • Setting up deployment procedure
  • Bower
    • Supporting Bower
    • Preparing setup / usage manual
    • Writing standards manual for writing CSS, JavaScript and a modular PHP code


WordPress Gulp Boilerplate






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