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Docker Build release hub

Builder docker image

An Alpine based docker image contains a good combination of commenly used tools to build, package as docker image, login and push to AWS ECR, AWS authentication and all Kuberentes staff.

The image is mainly used as a builder images while creating CICD pipelines.


version will match to the kubectl. other tools will be updated on kubectl update time.

Tools listing

Tool Version Description
Docker Engine 18.6 Docker image containing docker engine to offer Docker inside Docker (DinD)
AWS CLI 2.2.37 AWS commandline tools for managing simple infrastructure tasks
cUrl 7.67.0 Commandline professional http(s) client tool
Bash 4.4.19 Advanced linux shell
Kubectl 1.21.2 Kubectl used to administrate the K8S cluster
git 2.24.1 World's most popular version control tool
helm 3.5.4 Package manager for K8S clusters that simplifies complex deployments with simple Charts
helm-s3 plugin 0.10.0 S3 integration plugin to use S3 as a private Helm Charts repositories
kubeval 0.16.1 Validate your Kubernetes configuration files, supports multiple Kubernetes versions
dockerize 0.6.1 Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
sops 3.7.1 Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets

Installation guide

Simply pull the image from official docker hub using the following command as it contains nothing more than a set of open source tools.

docker pull guitarrapc/docker-awscli-kubectl

Even more useful in Gitlab

    stage: create-docker-image
    image: guitarrapc/docker-awscli-kubectl
        - docker:dind
        DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay           # For better build performance

        - echo 'Your build scripts goes here and you can use all of the above toolset'

vulnerability scan

docker build --no-cache -t guitarrapc-docker-awscli-kubectl:latest .
trivy image -format table --exit-code 1 --ignore-unfixed --vuln-type os,library --severity CRITICAL,HIGH --no-progress guitarrapc-docker-awscli-kubectl:latest


Ahmed Sorour,