A full-stack MERN application that allows users to search the Google Books database by book title. A user can sign up to be able to save books to a collection which they can access on future visits to the site after a successful login. This application has been refactored to use GraphQL API, and built with an Apollo Server.
- GraphQL
- Apollo
- Clone project into a local directory and cd into that directory.
- On console run npm install. It will install all packages needed to run app.
- Run the command npm run develop.
- Navigate to port 3000 of your localhost to use application locally.
- Use GraphQL Playground at localhost:3001/graphql
Mock Up
Deployed Link at Heroku
- The application is covered under the license MIT. For more Info please visit License Info
- None
- None
MERN Stack
JSON Web Token
If you have any questions about project you can either contact me or visit my github profile.
Link to my Github: Github
Email address :gunjanbhargava2021@gmail.com