Haoxiang Guo, Xiaohan Liu, Dong-Ming Yan, Yang Liu. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH2020).
If you are interested in the algorithm details, please refer to our paper. This program works on 64-bit windows.
- Boost (1.66 or later): https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/
- CGAL (4.13 or later): https://www.cgal.org/releases.html
- MOSEK 8: https://www.mosek.com/downloads/, MOSEK license is required.
- PolyCut: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/tr/2018/HexDemo/, download and extract it to a folder, be aware that it has one-month license.
- HexEx: https://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de/media/resource_files/HexEx_Windows_1_01.zip, download and extract it to a folder.
The libraries and softwares above need to be installed manually, please set BOOST_ROOT CGAL_DIR in your system path if Boost and CGAL installers do not set them sucessfully.
Our source code has the following build-in dependencies:
- Eigen3: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page#Download
- OpenMesh: https://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de/software/openmesh/
- OpenVolumeMesh: https://www.graphics.rwth-aachen.de/software/openvolumemesh/, we modified the source code.
- gflags: https://github.com/gflags/gflags.git
- rapidxml: http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/
- SUS: https://www.dca.iusiani.ulpgc.es/SUScode/, we modified the source code.
- ANN: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/
- TetGen: http://wias-berlin.de/software/index.jsp?id=TetGen&lang=1, we modified the source code slightly.
- SuiteSparse: http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html
- VTK (8.2): https://vtk.org/download/, One of utility programs -- vtudecode requires VTK, we have provided the binary file and it is not necessary to recompile it.
- CXXOPTS: https://github.com/jarro2783/cxxopts
- LAPACK: https://www.netlib.org/lapack/
Our program takes a tetrahedral mesh (*.vtk) and its feature edges (*.fea) as input. The feature file starts with the number of feature segments n, followed by n lines, where each line contains the two vertex indices of a feature edge segment. You can generate tetrahedral meshes from surface meshes using TetGen or download our preprocessed data from here
First, clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/msraig/CE-PolyCube.git
cd CE-PolyCube
We provide both the source code and the compiled executable files(in Bin folder). To use the executable files directly, please first set DATA_ROOT_PATH (path contains model folders), HEXEX_PATH (path containing hexex.exe) and POLYCUT_PATH (path containing polycut.exe) in .\Script\gen_hex.bat with no trailing slash. Then you can process a specific model, e.g sculpt by running:
cd Scripts
gen_hex.bat sculpt
If everything goes well, there will be three new files in DATA_ROOT_PATH/sculpt folder:
- sculpt_deform_polycube.vtk: the initial PolyCube mesh.
- sculpt_cut_flattening.vtk: the CE-PolyCube mesh.
- sculpt_hex_opt.vtk: the final optimized all-hex mesh.
Or if you want to recompile the project, please go to the root directory, then run:
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..
Build the solution in .\Build folder, then you can find the generated executable files in .\Bin folder. Then modify and run .\Script\gen_hex.bat as previously mentioned.
We also provide the processed data here.
title={Cut-enhanced PolyCube-Maps for Feature-aware All-Hex Meshing},
author={Guo, Hao-Xiang and Liu, Xiaohan and Yan, Dong-Ming and Yang, Liu},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}
Please contact us (Haoxiang Guo ghx17@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, Xiaohan Liu xh.liu.tech@gmail.com, Yang Liu yangliu@microsoft.com) or file an issue if you meet problems in using our code.