Syntax highlighting for Apache Avro IDL files
The plugin can be installed manually or by any standard vim plugin manager
- Plug
- Add
Plug 'gurpreetatwal/vim-avro'
to your.vimrc
- Run
vim +PlugInstall +qa
- Add
- Vundle
- Add
Plugin 'gurpreetatwal/vim-avro'
to your.vimrc
- Run
vim +PluginInstall +qa
- Add
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-avro
- Manual
git clone /tmp/vim-avro
mv /tmp/vim-avro/ftdetect/* ~/.vim/ftdetect
mv /tmp/vim-avro/syntax/* ~/.vim/syntax/
This repo is a combination of various different avro syntax files found on google. The syntax file was originally pieced together by mtth