v20.3.0 or XX 3.0 – Paris
It is one of biggest changes made during one month in this icons theme:
Fixed by @SmartFinn:
- Deleted the executable bit from files for security issues.
- Fixed icons with rendering issues on old systems.
- Removed some broken symlinks.
By me:
Removed all Gravit Designer base64 and metadata which caused rendering bugs.
Reduced from 175MB to 110MB!
Vectorised and improved the highlighting border in KDE, you can compare:
Improved the ugly colours of some icons as Activity Monitor and Terminal.
Suru++ conservative and traditional monochromatic icons have been replaced for Papirus colourful and monochromatic icons because they fit very well with Suru++ 20.
The grey colour of monochromatic icons have been replaced with the new cyberpunkish, elegant and modern colour based on Papirus:
. -
New countries flags (in development)!
Designed by @jcuenod:
- Zotero
Designed by @Pronink:
- Azure Data Studio
Added icons:
- Bookworm
- Clion
- DataGrip
- Etcher
- FontBase
- Goland
- Howl
- JetBrains Toolbox
- Joplin
- Natron
- Neovim
- NextCloud
- Rider
- RubyMine
- SIgnal
- TeXmacs
- TeXstudio
- Unity 3D
- VMWare Viewer
- WebStorm
Added 58 Flatpak icons:
- Android Studio
- Audacity
- Avidemux
- Blender
- Bookworn
- Corebird
- Darktable
- Discord
- Dolphin EMU
- Elisa
- Emacs
- Filezilla
- Firefox
- Firefox Developer
- Firefox Nightly
- GCompris
- Geogebra
- GNU Cash
- GPodder
- HexChat
- Inkscape
- JDownloader
- Joplin
- KDEConnect
- Kdenlive
- Keepass
- Krita
- LibreOffice
- Mendeley
- Minitube
- MonoDevelop
- Musecore
- MyPaint
- Neovim
- NextCloud
- Octave
- Okular
- OpenShop
- PhotoQT
- Picard
- Pitivi
- Postman
- Pycharm
- Remmina
- Signal
- Spotify
- Steam
- Sublime Text
- SuperTux
- Telegram
- TeXstudio
- Thunderbird
- Transmission
- Tuxpaint
- Viber
- VSCode
- Zim