This plugin is designed to support iOS's permissions checking camera access
The iOS permissions camera checking mechanism changed. In the past, permissions were granted by users when they decided to install the app. Now the permissions should be granted by users when they are using the app.
cordova plugin add camera-permissions-ios
※ Support iOS
var permissions = cordova.plugins.cameraPermissionsIos;
permissions.getCameraPermission({}, successCallback, errorCallback);
permissions.requestCameraPermission({}, successCallback, errorCallback);
var permissions = cordova.plugins.cameraPermissionsIos;
permissions.getCameraPermission({}, function( status ){
if ( status == 'granted') {
else {
**Status Availables ** There are 3 status availables and it dependes of the camera access from iOS Device.
- granted - A status that indicates the user has explicitly granted an app permission to capture media.
- denied - A status that indicates the user has explicitly denied an app permission to capture media.
- notDetermined - A status that indicates the user hasn’t yet granted or denied authorization.
permissions.requestCameraPermission({}, success, error);
function error() {
console.warn('Camera permission is not turned on');
function success( status ) {
if( status == 'denied' ) error();
if(status == 'granted') console.log("Camera permission turned on");
**Status Availables ** There are 3 status availables and it dependes of the camera access from iOS Device.
- granted - A status that indicates the user has explicitly granted an app permission to capture media.
- denied - A status that indicates the user has explicitly denied an app permission to capture media.
- notDetermined - A status that indicates the user hasn’t yet granted or denied authorization.