This is based on youtube video playlist :
Exposing restapi to outside world using Port forward with below cmd: kubectl port-forward -nrestapi svc/restapi 8080
Deploying using Helm:
- Install helm chart: helm install lib helm
- Port forward on to svc restapi: kubectl port-forward svc/restapi 8080
- Exec into mysql po and run cmds from file(password is in secret-mysql.yaml file): kubectl exec -it pod-name -n namespace sh mysql -u root -p run cmds from file
- Open separate terminal and curl get request: curl localhost:8080/apis/v1/books
Publishing onto public repo:
- Create a folder and package helm chart as tarbal into it: helm package helm -d charts/
- Create a index.yaml for the charts folder so as to serve this as a repo: helm repo index charts
- Push the changes to git repo and expose the repo to public so they can downlaod the helm chart and run it locally
- Add the exposed URL as the repo: helm repo add guthedar
- Install the helm chart as below: library is the name of the chart from index.yaml helm install lib guthedar/library
- Check if 2 namespaces, pods, svcs, deployments are created or not. database and restapi and 2 new namespaces