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A low level library to work with a DynamoDB table that follows a directed graph pattern


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This is a library built to work with DynamoDB as if it was storing a Graph. The idea came from the "Advanced Design Patterns for Amazon DynamoDB (DAT403-R)" talk from Rick Houlihan on 2017 AWS re:Invent conference. Close to the end, he describes a way to use a DynamoDB table to represent a directed graph. I found that notion very interesting, so I started working on a library that would abstract the details of the graph representation, on top of DynamoDB using the AWS Document Client driver, from the AWS JavaScript SDK.

Besides the ideas explained in the talk, I other two more:

  1. The concept of a tenant.
  2. A way to handle the amount of GSI partitions to use, by defining the maximum number of GSIK allowed, which are generated from the Nodes ids.

Each node can belong to a tenant, which is a way to box entities (users, companie, groups, etc) into their own parititon inside the table. This is done by concatenating the id of each node, and their GSIK, with the tenant id. This last value if configured when the library is intitialized, and is completely abstracted from the user. Meaning, you can interact with the table as if the tenant value didn't exist. You could have multiple users handling the same Node ids, as long as they have a unique tenant id.

This has another aditional benefit: we can apply IAM policies to let the users only access the keys with their corresponding tenant. Making it impossible to access the keys from other users.

To control the number of GSI Keys you can use the maxGSIK attribute when configuring the library. This value defines the ammount of GSIK allowed on the table, and shoudl be a multiple of 10 to allow a normal distribution of the nodes in each GSIK.

The data inside every Node item must be stored as a string. That means that you have to stringify the data types that you want to store on the table. On the documentation section, I explain a couple of ways of storing numbers on the database.

Important Note: This library was built on top of Node 6.10.3, because I wanted to use it on AWS Lambda, and at the moment is the highest version supported. It should work on higher versions, but I haven't tested it.

##DynamoDB table.

The schema for the DynamoDB table, written as a CloudFormation template is the following:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
    Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table"
          AttributeName: "Node"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "Type"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "Data"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "GSIK"
          AttributeType: "S"
          AttributeName: "Node"
          KeyType: "HASH"
          AttributeName: "Type"
          KeyType: "RANGE"
        ReadCapacityUnits: "1"
        WriteCapacityUnits: "1"
      TableName: "GraphTable"
          IndexName: "ByType"
              AttributeName: "GSIK"
              KeyType: "HASH"
              AttributeName: "Type"
              KeyType: "RANGE"
            ProjectionType: "ALL"
            ReadCapacityUnits: "2"
            WriteCapacityUnits: "2"
          IndexName: "ByData"
              AttributeName: "GSIK"
              KeyType: "HASH"
              AttributeName: "Data"
              KeyType: "RANGE"
            ProjectionType: "ALL"
            ReadCapacityUnits: "2"
            WriteCapacityUnits: "2"

On the scripts folder you'll find scripts to implement this table on your AWS account. You can call them directly or using yarn or npm tasks:

yarn validate:stack // Validates the template.
yarn delete:stack   // Deletes the current stack.
yarn describe:stack // Describes the current stack status and info.
yarn deploy:stack   // Deploys the stack to your configured AWS account.

Getting Started

Install the library on your project using npm or yarn.

// NPM
npm install --save dynamodb-graph
yarn install dynamodb-graph

Then you can import it to your project, and you must initialize it before you can start using it. Basically, you musth provide the DynamoDB DocumentClient driver, table name, tenant key, and maxGSIK value. The table name can also be taken from an environment variable called TABLE_NAME. I am considering letting other important options be configured the same way.

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var dynamodbGraph = require('dynamodb-graph');

var documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var maxGSIK = 10;
var table = process.env.TABLE_NAME;
var tenant = 'Client#123';

var g = dynamodbGraph({ documentClient, maxGSIK, table, tenant });


To be able to test the library I have provided some scripts that work on existing data. More specifically, "The Simpsons" by the data. You can go to the link, and download it from Kaggle. Then unzip the files inside the scripts folder, and run the seed_local_table.js script. Then go dring a cup of coffee, eat a sandwich, and catch up on your current series, cause it's gonna take a long time to load. I did my best to show the progress of the upload so you know that something is at least going on.

After all the data is up, you can run the script playground.js and see the library in action with some examples I come up with. More examples are welcomed.

Lastly, I left another script called repl.js, which contains the library, an instantiated documentClient driver, and some other useful functions to use on the node repl. Just open up a node console and run:

var {g, documentClient, dynamo, log, scan} = require('./scripts/repl.js')

Or something like that.

Important note: both scripts can be used against DynamoDB itself, though I wouldn't recommend to do so while testing the library. I won't take responsability for any charges generated on your account while using this library. Instead, you should run a local instance of DynamoDB.

To my knowledge, there are two alternatives:

  1. Dynalite, from Michael Hart.
  2. Official DynamoDB local version.

Any one of those will work fine. Just be sure to run it on port 8989 or to set the ENDPOINT environment variable pointed to your local port when running all the scripts.


Initialize the library

To initialie the library we must configure some global options.

  • documentClient: DynamoDB Document Client driver. You can configure it to point to a local DynamoDB process to avoid unneccesary charges while testing the library.
  • maxGSIK: Maximum GSIK value. Defaults to 10. This value let's you setup the ammount of partitions you believe would be enough to store your data. I recommend setting this value as a multiple of 10, to allow for a close to normal distribution of the keys. You should never decrease this value, only increase it.
  • tenant: Any string identifier you want to apply to the current tenant. This value will be applied to every Node, and will be taken out befor returning back the results of each operation. That way you don't have to deal with it.
  • table: Name of the DynamoDB table to store the data. Can be defined as an environment variable called TABLE_NAME.
var g = require('dynamodb-graph')({
  documentClient, // DynamoDB DocumentClient driver.
  maxGSIK: 10, // Max GSIK value. Multiples of 10 recommended.
  tenant: 'Simpsons', // Tenant identifier. Defaults to ''.
  table: TABLE_NAME // DynamoDB table name. Can be provided as env variable.

Create methods

Create node

We can provide our own Node identifier, or let the library create a random CUID value. To create a new node, we call the create function passing the data to be stored on the node. The data must be a string, if it is not, it will throw an Error. If you want to store numbers, booleans, or any other kind of object, you must stringify it before saving it to the table.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';
var data = 'Homer Simpson';

  .node({ id, type })
  .create({ data })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }

If the Node id is not set when calling the node() method, then a random cuid will be configured on it. You can check this value by accessing the Node id property.

var type = 'Character';
var node = g.node({ type });

// cjc1bicq30000aetcfkub88p7

Running the create method on that node will create it with the random cuid selected as Node id.

var data = 'Homer Simpson';
var type = 'Character';
  .node({ type })
  .create({ data })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'cjc1bicq30000aetcfkub88p7',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'cjc1bicq30000aetcfkub88p7'
     * }

Create edge

Here we are connecting a character Node to an episode Node. To do that, we select the node and type where we want to store the edge, and then we call the create method, passing the target id and the data to be stored.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'StarredIn#Episode#1';
var target = 'Episode#1';
var data = 'Bart the Genius';

  .node({ id, type })
  .create({ target, data })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'StarredIn#Episode#1',
     *    Data: 'Bart the Genius',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Episode#1'
     * }

Create property

A property is like an edge, but without a target. It allows to store additional information about the node, that will be stored on the same partitions, and which don't require the creation or existance of another node.

To create them we call the create function with the prop data to be stored.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Gender';
var prop = 'm';

  .node({ id, type })
  .create({ prop })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     * }

Get methods

Get a single node, edge, or prop.

Use the get method, after providing the Node id and type to the node() function.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';

  .node({ id, type })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }

Get a list of node items by type

If we pass in a list of types to the get() function, it will return all the items with those types on that node. If you set the type when calling the node function, it will be added to the list of item types to get.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';

  .node({ id, type })
  .get(['StarredIn#Episode#1', 'Gender'])
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }, {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'StarredIn#Episode#1',
     *    Data: 'Bart the Genius',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Episode#1'
     * }, {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     * }]

Get all the node edges or all the node props.

To get all the Node edges or props, we use the edges() or props() method respectively, after providing the node id, to the node function.

var id = 'Character#2';

// -- Edges --
  .node({ id })
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'StarredIn#Episode#1',
     *    Data: 'Bart the Genius',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Episode#1'
     * }]
// -- Props --
  .node({ id })
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     * }]

Take into account that the type value declared on the node is not necessary and won't be taken into consideration when the get function is called.

Both functions allow to set a limit on how much items you want. Just set the limit configuration value to some number.

var id = 'Character#2';

  .node({ id })
  .edges({ limit: 1 }) // Also applies to `prop()`.
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'StarredIn#Episode#1',
     *    Data: 'Bart the Genius',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Episode#1'
     * }]

If the Node has more edges or props that were not returned but matched the current query, then the Offset parameter is returned. This value points to the last element evaluated while performing the query, and can be used in subsequent queries as its starting point. Use the offset attribute for this purpose.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';
var offset = 'Q2hhcmFjdGVy';

  .node({ id })
  .edges({ offset }) // Also applies to `prop()`.
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'SpokeLine#269#Episode#32',
     *    Data: 'Oh.',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Line#9609'
     * }]
    // U3Bva2VMaW5lIzI2OSNFcGlzb2RlIzMy
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'SpokeLine#269#Episode#32',
     * }

Query methods

Query items by Node, sorted by Type

DynamoDB Expression Operators and Functions

We can query over the prop and edge types of a Node using the query() method. As before, we provide the Node id to the node function, and then we call query() over its result, providing a where and and condition objects.

To construct a condition object, we provide just one key to the where or and object called either type or data. Inside this key, we store another object, again with just one key, corresponding to a valid DynamoDB Key Condition operator. The value of this key will be used for the comparison operation. For most of them, the value should be just a string, except the: size operator which takes a number; the BETWEEN operator which takes an array of two strings; and for the IN operator, an array with up to 100 strings.

var id = 'Character#2';

  .node({ id })
  .query({ where: { type: { begins_with: 'Line' } } })
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
     *    Data: 'Bart didn't get one vote?! Oh, this is...'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#9605'
     * }, {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#114#Episode#33',
     *    Data: 'Marge! What are you doing?...'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#9769'
     * }]

As mentioned before, we can add a filter condition to the query using the filter condition object, which should be constructed just as the where object. Note that this aditional condition will be applied as a FilterExpression, which means, that the condition will be applied after all the items that match the condition on the where condition object returns.

var id = 'Character#2';
var operator = 'begins_with';
var value = 'Line';
var name = 'Bart';

  .node({ id })
    where: { type: { [operator]: value } },
    filter: { data: { [operator]: name } }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
     *    Data: 'Bart didn't get one vote?! Oh, this is...'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#9605'
     * }]

If you invert the data and type keys on the where and filter objects, it will apply first the condition on the type and then on the data. This is because the data is indexed by type on the table.

var id = 'Character#2';
var operator = 'begins_with';
var value = 'Line';
var name = 'Bart';

  .node({ id })
    where: { data: { [operator]: name } },
    and: { type: { [operator]: value } }
  .then(result => {
    console.log(result.Items); // Same result as before.
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
     *    Data: 'Bart didn't get one vote?! Oh, this is...'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#9605'
     * }]

If you only include a where condition object applied to the data attribute, the query will be run against all the items of the Node. This could be a very inefficient query if your Node has a lot of items connected to it, and you only need a few of them.

var id = 'Character#2';
var operator = 'begins_with';
var name = 'Bart';

  .node({ id })
    where: { data: { [operator]: name } }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
     *    Data: 'Bart didn't get one vote?! Oh, this is...'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#9605'
     * }]
    // This will equal to all the items connected to the Node 'Character#2'
    // which could be a very big number.

On a positive note, filter conditions can use more operators. These are:

  • IN: True if the data of the Node is included on the value list.
  • contains: True if the data contains a substring equal to the value.
  • size: True if the data has a length equal to the value.

If you check DynamoDB documentation you'll note that you can use other comparators when working with the size function. To make things simpler for myself, I only included the equality for now. I plan to correct this in further versions.

Logical evaluations can also be used up two one level, using an and, or, or not key, with a condition object. On a future version, I plan to allow more than just one level of logical evaluations.

var id = 'Character#2';

  .node({ id })
    where: { type: { begins_with: 'Line' } },
    filter: {
      data: {
        begins_with: 'Bart',
        and: { size: 25 }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Line#166#Episode#99',
     *    Data: 'Bart, you're coming home.'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Line#29206'
     * }]

As with the edges() and props() functions, you can provide a limit and an offset value. They will work exactly the same as with those other methods. The Offset value returned is just the base64 encoded type. To reconstruct it into a DynamoDB key, we just need the node id. If you don't want to work with encoded strings, you can just pass to the offset attribute an entire DynamoDB key, like the one returned in the LastEvaluatedKey value.

var node = g.node({id});
  where: { type: { begins_with: 'Line' } }
  limit: 1,
.then(result => {
   * [{
   *    Node: 'Character#2',
   *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
   *    Data: 'Bart didn't get one vote?! Oh, this is...'
   *    GSIK: '9'
   *    Target: 'Line#9605'
   * }]
  // TGluZSMyNjUjRXBpc29kZSMzMg==
   * {
   *    Node: 'Character#2',
   *    Type: 'Line#265#Episode#32',
   * }
  return node.query({
    where: { type: { begins_with: 'Line' } }
    limit: 1,
    offset: result.Offset
.then(result => {
   * [{
   *    Node: 'Character#2',
   *    Type: 'Line#114#Episode#33',
   *    Data: 'Marge! What are you doing?...'
   *    GSIK: '9'
   *    Target: 'Line#9769'
   * }]

DynamoDB LastEvaluatedKey will also be returned on the result object, and can also be used on the offset attribute. The reason why I also provide the Offset value is explained further ahead.

Handling numbers

DynamoDB requires that all the attributes that will be indexed, be explicityly defined as: string, number, or binary. For our purposes, storing the data as strings gives us the chance to store any kind of data that can be stringified. How we do this will affect our ability to query the data later.

Storing numbers is a great example. They can be easily stored as their string representations: 4 as '4'. The problem with this approach is that all the numeric query operators will become useless. Querying using comparators with numbers stored this way may lead to weird situations, like: '10' < '9.99' // true.

A better way to store numbers is as hexadecimal strings. JavaScript uses 64 bit double-precision floating point binary strings to represent numbers, following the IEEE 754 standar.

Basically, a number is stored the following way:

  • 1 sign bit.
  • 11 exponent bits.
  • 52 significant precision bits.

Binary64 representation

Converting JavaScript numbers to their 8 byte hexadecimal string representation will allow us to:

  • Save numbers as strings without losing precision.
  • Allow us to use comparator operators when running queries.

Unfortunately, the last point is not entirely true. You can use comparator operators, only if all the numbers stored are positive. Because of the way negative numbers are represented, they will always be bigger than positive ones. Also, comparing two negative numbers will work exactly the same, meaning: -1 < -2.

I have some ideas of how I might solve this, so some version in the future might not have this issue.

Now, since most of the use cases can work without using negative numbers, I decided to include this solutions to the library. So if you are only storing positive values on the Data attribute, you can run any number of queries and they will work. You don't have to make the conversion yourself, the library takes care of that. Every number corresponding to the Data, on the query or on the response, will be converted to and from its hexadecimal representation.

This means that the number 1 will be stored as 0x3ff0000000000000. Notice the 0x prefix. It indicates to the library that the strings corresponds to a number. So, if you want to store text that begins with this prefix, you are going to have to modify it. Else, you might receive a corrupted version of your data.

You may found the library that makes converts the number here:

    where: { type: { '=': 'imdb_rating' } },
    filter: { data: { '>': 9.2 } }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Episode#186',
     *    Type: 'imdb_rating',
     *    Data: 9.3
     *    GSIK: '9'
     * }]

Query items by GSIK, sorted By Type

To query the Node types, regardless of the Node id, we can leverage the GSIK indexes. By default, the queries will be run over every GSIK value, and will return a maximum of 100 items each.

Now, instead of using the node function we use the query function, with a where and a filter condition object. The where condition object will define which index to use (ByType or ByData). Which means, that the operators allowed on the where condition don't include: IN, contains, size, and logical expressions. They are only allowed on the filter condition. So make sure you select the best index for your query.

g.query({ where: { type: { '=': 'Character' } } }).then(result => {
   * [{
   *    Node: 'Character#2',
   *    Type: 'Character',
   *    Data: 'Homer Simpson'
   *    GSIK: '9'
   *    Target: 'Character#2'
   * }, {
   *    Node: 'Character#8',
   *    Type: 'Character',
   *    Data: 'Bart Simpson'
   *    GSIK: '5'
   *    Target: 'Character#8'
   * }]

As before, the results can be filtered further by using a filter condition object whith the data or type key present. This will build a FilterCondition expression, which will discard any item that doesn't match the condition, after the query operation is done.

    where: { type: { '=': 'Gender' } },
    filter: { data: { '=': 'm' } }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     * }, {
     *    Node: 'Character#8',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm'
     *    GSIK: '5'
     * }]

To use the index ByData we use the data key on the where object instead of the type.

    where: { data: { '=': 'm' } },
    filter: { type: { '=': 'Gender' } }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     * }, {
     *    Node: 'Character#8',
     *    Type: 'Gender',
     *    Data: 'm'
     *    GSIK: '5'
     * }]

Looking at the last two examples you can see that, even though they return the same information, the first one is a much better option for this usecase. The scanned items on the second example could be much higher than the ones on the first one.

GSIK handling

In order to control the GSIK being queried, you can provide a gsik object. This object must contain some of these keys:

  • startGSIK: Start value of the GSIK. Equals 0 by default.
  • endGSIK: End value of the GSIK. Equals maxGSIK - 1 by default. Must be larger than startGSIK.
  • listGSIK: A list of GSIK to use, provided as a list of numbers. Only the GSIK provided on the list will be queried. If startGSIK or endGSIK are also defined, they will not be considered.
var listGSIK = [9];
var limit = 1;

    where: { type: { '=': 'Character' } },
    gsik: { listGSIK }
  .then(result => {
     * [{
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson'
     *    GSIK: '9'
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }]

Handling offset values

A query by default will only return up too 100 items per GSIK. You can modify this behaviour by changing the limit value. None of this means that you'll actually receive the ammount of items you asked for. This is just the behaviour of DynamoDB. If the size of the query is to big, or there aren't enough items on a GSIK, you'll receive a lower count of items. Given this, you can't control how many items will be received after a query (at least no with this version of the library). If you use a CUID or UUID generator function for the Node id value, then you'll probably get the same ammount of items per GSIK, so you can predict how many items will be returned in total.

DynamoDB uses a LastEvaluatedKey value to handle offsets on a query. Whenever this key is returned by DynamoDB, it means that there are more items that match the query, but where not returned. Doing the same query using this value will return the remaing items, or a subset of them and another LastEvaluatedKey value.

On each call to the query function, you'll receive two of three different attributes you can use to handle the offset of subsequential queries. These are:

  • LastEvaluatedKey: Only returned when running a query against a known Node.
  • LastEvaluatedKeys: A map of GSIK to LastEvaluatedKey's scanned on each.
  • Offset: A base64 encoded string containing just the needed information to reconstruct the LastEvaluatedKeys object.

Using the Offset value allows for easier paging, since you only care about one value. Also, JSON objects are quite verbose, a simplified base64 encoded string can be much smaller than a stringified JSON object. This is particularly usefull if you must use this value from the frontend through an API.

To paginate the query, you can use (or construct) this results and apply them to the offset attribute. The library will make sure to transform it into something that DynamoDB can understand.

If you want to construct your own GSIK to LastEvaluatedKey map, you don't have to include every GSIK you plan to query. The ones that are not defined will just be queried from the beginning.

var listGSIK = [9];
var limit = 1;

    where: { type: { '=': 'Character' } },
    gsik: { listGSIK }
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    '9': {
     *      Node: 'Character#2',
     *      Type: 'Character',
     *      GSIK: '9'
     *    }
     * }
    // eyJOb2RlIjoiQ2hhcmFjdGVyIzIiLCJUeXBlIjoiQ2hhcmFjdGVyIiwiR1NJSyI6IjkifQ==
    return Promise.all(
        where: { type: { '=': 'Character' } },
        gsik: { listGSIK },
        offset: result.LastEvaluatedKeys
        where: { type: { '=': 'Character' } },
        gsik: { listGSIK },
        offset: result.Offset
  .then(results => {
    // Both queries work exactly the same.
    console.log(results[0].Items[0].Node === results[0].Items[1].Node);
    // true

On the example using the Offset value doesn't look like and advantage, but it can make a huge difference if you are querying over 10 GSIK or more.

You could also store the offset value on another Node, to query later when you need to paginate the results.

Update method

To update a node value you just overwrite it with a new node with the same Node id and type.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';
var data = 'homer simpson';

var Node = g.node({ id, type });

Node.create({ data })
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'homer simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }
    return Node.create({ data: 'Homer Simpson' });
  .then(result => {
     * {
     *    Node: 'Character#2',
     *    Type: 'Character',
     *    Data: 'Homer Simpson',
     *    GSIK: '9',
     *    Target: 'Character#2'
     * }
    return Node.create({ data: 'Homer Simpson' });

Destroy method

The interface to destroy a node is very similar to how you get one. If you want to destroy an item, you select it with the node function, and then call the destroy method on it.

var id = 'Character#2';
var type = 'Character';

  .node({ id, type })
  .then(result => {
    // {}

JSDoc Comments

I tried to include information on each function as a JSDoc comment. I plan in the future to transform it into a proper documentation site. I wish there was something like Sphix for JavaScript but for now it should be enough.


I am using jest and yarn to test the library, and Node 6.10.3. So, just clone the repo, install the dependencies with yarn install, and run yarn test to start them.

git clone

yarn install

yarn test


More than welcomed.




A low level library to work with a DynamoDB table that follows a directed graph pattern







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