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PyCBC Live O3 injection Study

Bhooshan Uday Varsha Gadre edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 6 revisions

Injection Study for O3 review

  • PyCBC git hash: f9ba24edd11561e8e5c6ff5f8ed3831007ae2b1c


  • We are using PSDs for all the IFOs from pycbc GraceDB event (G329276)[] event corresponding to the first superevent, (S190408an )[] of O3.

BNS injections

  • Masses: m1, m2 in (1, 3) with Gaussian distribution with (mean=1.4, var=0.1^2).
  • aligned-spins for both in range (-0.4, 0.4)
  • Uniform in volume from (20, 200) Mpc.
lalapps_inspinj \
	--seed 20 \
        --output H1L1V1-INJECTIONS_BNS.xml.gz \
        --write-compress \
        --f-lower 19 \
        --waveform SpinTaylorT2threePointFivePN \
        --gps-start-time 1238500817 \
        --gps-end-time 1238517201 \
        --time-step 15.7075 \
        --time-interval 5 \
        --l-distr random \
        --min-distance 20000 \
        --max-distance 200000 \
        --d-distr volume \
        --i-distr uniform \
	--m-distr gaussian \
	--min-mass1 1 \
	--max-mass1 3 \
        --mean-mass1 1.4 \
        --stdev-mass1 0.1 \
	--min-mass2 1 \
	--max-mass2 3 \
        --mean-mass2 1.4 \
        --stdev-mass2 0.1 \
        --enable-spin \
        --min-spin1 0 \
        --max-spin1 0.4 \
        --min-spin2 0 \
        --max-spin2 0.4 \
        --taper-injection startend
  • For optimal SNR: f-lower = 25

Generate fake strain data using PSDs and injections


# For H1
pycbc_condition_strain \
		--fake-strain-from-file H1_1238509009_asd.txt \
		--fake-strain-seed 1234 \
		--output-strain-file H1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf \
		--gps-start-time $(gpsstart) \
		--gps-end-time $(gpsend) \
		--sample-rate $(fs) \
		--low-frequency-cutoff 20 \
		--channel-name H1:FAKE_STRAIN \
		--injection-file H1L1V1-INJECTIONS_BNS.xml.gz

# For L1
pycbc_condition_strain \
		--fake-strain-from-file L1_1238509009_asd.txt \
		--fake-strain-seed 2345 \
		--output-strain-file L1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf \
		--gps-start-time $(gpsstart) \
		--gps-end-time $(gpsend) \
		--sample-rate $(fs) \
		--low-frequency-cutoff 20 \
		--channel-name L1:FAKE_STRAIN \
		--injection-file H1L1V1-INJECTIONS_BNS.xml.gz

# For V1
pycbc_condition_strain \
		--fake-strain-from-file V1_1238509009_asd.txt \
		--fake-strain-seed 3456 \
		--output-strain-file H1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf \
		--gps-start-time $(gpsstart) \
		--gps-end-time $(gpsend) \
		--sample-rate $(fs) \
		--low-frequency-cutoff 20 \
		--channel-name V1:FAKE_STRAIN \
		--injection-file H1L1V1-INJECTIONS_BNS.xml.gz

mkdir H1 L1 V1
mv H1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf H1/
mv L1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf L1/
mv V1-FAKE_STRAIN-$(gpsstart)-16384.gwf V1/
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