Package binary is uesed to Encode/Decode between go data and byte slice.
The main purpose of this package is to replace package "std.binary".
Compare with other serialization package, this package is with full-feature as gob and protocol buffers, and with high-performance and lightweight as std.binary.
It is designed as a common solution to easily encode/decode between go data and byte slice.
It is recommended to use in net protocol serialization and go memory data serialization such as DB.
$ go get -u
1.use field tag `binary:"packed"` to encode ints value as varint/uvarint
for reged structs.
2.add method Encoder.ResizeBuffer.
1.fix issue#1 nil pointer encode/decode error.
2.pack 8 bool values as bits in one byte.
3.put one bool bit for pointer fields to check if it is a nil pointer.
4.rename Pack/Unpack to Encode/Decode.
1.full-type support like gob.
2.light-weight as std.binary.
3.high-performance as std.binary and gob.
4.encoding with fower bytes than std.binary and gob.
5.use RegStruct to improve performance of struct encoding/decoding.
6.take both advantages of std.binary and gob.
7.recommended using in net protocol serialization and DB serialization.
1.[Encoder/Decoder].RegStruct to speed up local Coder.
2.[Encoder/Decoder].RegSerializer to speed up BinarySerializer search.
3.reg interface to using BinarySerializer interface.
CopyRight 2017 @Ally Dale. All rights reserved.
Author : Ally Dale(
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int, int8, int16, int32, int64,
uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64,
float32, float64, complex64, complex128,
bool, string, slice, array, map, struct.
And their direct pointers.
eg: *string, *struct, *map, *slice, *int32.
type someRegedStruct struct {
A int `binary:"ignore"`
B string
C uint
If data implements interface BinaryEncoder, it will use data.Encode/data.Decode
to encode/decode data.
NOTE that data.Decode must implement on pointer receiever to enable modifying
receiever.Even though Size/Encode of data can implement on non-pointer receiever,
binary.Encode(&data, nil) is required if data has implement interface BinaryEncoder.
binary.Encode(data, nil) will probably NEVER use BinaryEncoder methods to Encode/Decode
import ""
//1.Encode with default buffer
if bytes, err := binary.Encode(&data, nil); err==nil{
//2.Encode with existing buffer
size := binary.Sizeof(data)
buffer := make([]byte, size)
if bytes, err := binary.Encode(&data, buffer); err==nil{
//3.Decode from buffer
if err := binary.Decode(bytes, &data); err==nil{
encoder := binary.NewEncoder(bufferSize)
encodeResult := encoder.Buffer()
decoder := binary.NewDecoder(buffer)
u32 := decoder.Uint32()
str := decoder.String()
var s string = "hello"
will be encoded as:
[]byte{0x5, 0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f}
[]bool{true, true, true, false, true, true, false, false, true}
will be encoded as:
[]byte{0x9, 0x37, 0x1}
Only encode/decode exported fields.
Support using field tag `binary:"ignore"` to disable encode/decode fields.
type S struct{
A uint32
b uint32
_ uint32
C uint32 `binary:"ignore"`
Only field "A" will be encode/decode.
type S struct{
A *uint32
B *string
C *[]uint8
D []uint32
It will new pointers for fields "A, B, C",
and make new slice for fields "*C, D" when decode.
uint(1) will be encoded as: []byte{0x1}
uint(128) will be encoded as: []byte{0x80, 0x1}
uint(32765) will be encoded as: []byte{0xfd, 0xff, 0x1}
int(-5) will be encoded as: []byte{0x9}
int(-65) will be encoded as: []byte{0x81, 0x1}
Encoding bytes is much shorter than std.binary and gob.
var s struct {
Int8 int8
Int16 int16
Int32 int32
Int64 int64
Uint8 uint8
Uint16 uint16
Uint32 uint32
Uint64 uint64
Float32 float32
Float64 float64
Complex64 complex64
Complex128 complex128
Array [10]uint8
Bool bool
BoolArray [100]bool
Uint32Array [10]uint32
Sizeof(s) = 133
std.Size(s)= 217
gob.Size(s)= 412
Pack/Unpack unregisted struct is a little slower(80%) than std.binary.Read/std.binary.Write
Pack/Unpack registed struct is much faster(200%) than std.binary.Read/std.binary.Write
Pack/Unpack int array is much faster(230%) than std.binary.Read/std.binary.Write
Pack/Unpack string is a little faster(140%) than gob.Encode/gob.Decode
BenchmarkGobEncodeStruct 1000000 1172 ns/op 300.32 MB/s
BenchmarkStdWriteStruct 1000000 3154 ns/op 23.78 MB/s
BenchmarkWriteStruct 500000 3954 ns/op 18.71 MB/s
BenchmarkWriteRegedStruct 1000000 1627 ns/op 45.48 MB/s
BenchmarkPackStruct 500000 3642 ns/op 20.32 MB/s
BenchmarkPackRegedStruct 1000000 1542 ns/op 47.99 MB/s
BenchmarkGobDecodeStruct 3000000 651 ns/op 540.40 MB/s
BenchmarkStdReadStruct 1000000 2008 ns/op 37.35 MB/s
BenchmarkReadStruct 500000 2386 ns/op 31.01 MB/s
BenchmarkReadRegedStruct 1000000 1194 ns/op 61.97 MB/s
BenchmarkUnackStruct 1000000 2293 ns/op 32.27 MB/s
BenchmarkUnpackRegedStruct 2000000 935 ns/op 79.14 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncodeInt1000 100000 22871 ns/op 219.58 MB/s
BenchmarkStdWriteInt1000 30000 49502 ns/op 80.80 MB/s
BenchmarkWriteInt1000 50000 26001 ns/op 153.91 MB/s
BenchmarkPackInt1000 100000 21601 ns/op 185.27 MB/s
BenchmarkStdReadInt1000 30000 44035 ns/op 90.84 MB/s
BenchmarkReadInt1000 50000 29761 ns/op 134.47 MB/s
BenchmarkUnackInt1000 50000 25001 ns/op 160.07 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncodeString 3000000 444 ns/op 301.56 MB/s
BenchmarkStdWriteString unsupported
BenchmarkWriteString 3000000 455 ns/op 285.49 MB/s
BenchmarkPackString 5000000 337 ns/op 385.05 MB/s
BenchmarkGobDecodeString 1000000 1266 ns/op 105.84 MB/s
BenchmarkStdReadString unsupported
BenchmarkReadString 3000000 550 ns/op 236.06 MB/s
BenchmarkUnackString 5000000 298 ns/op 435.92 MB/s
Followed struct fullStruct is an aviable type that contains all supported types.
Which is not valid for std.binary.
type fullStruct struct {
Int8 int8
Int16 int16
Int32 int32
Int64 int64
Uint8 uint8
Uint16 uint16
Uint32 uint32
Uint64 uint64
Float32 float32
Float64 float64
Complex64 complex64
Complex128 complex128
Array [4]uint8
Bool bool
BoolArray [9]bool
LittleStruct littleStruct
PLittleStruct *littleStruct
String string
PString *string
PInt32 *int32
Slice []*littleStruct
PSlice *[]*string
Float64Slice []float64
BoolSlice []bool
Uint32Slice []uint32
Map map[string]*littleStruct
Map2 map[string]uint16
IntSlice []int
UintSlice []uint
Followed struct TDoNotSupport is an invalid type that every field is invalid.
type TDoNotSupport struct {
DeepPointer **uint32
Uintptr uintptr
UnsafePointer unsafe.Pointer
Ch chan bool
Map map[uintptr]uintptr
Map2 map[int]uintptr
Map3 map[uintptr]int
Slice []uintptr
Array [2]uintptr
Array2 [2][2]uintptr
Array3 [2]struct{ A uintptr }
Func func()
Struct struct {
PStruct *struct {
PPUintptr **uintptr
Under MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Ally Dale<>
Author : Ally Dale<>
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