A textbased, turnbased game where you try to kill the enemy before the enemy kills you.
most recent version: 1.1
The folder structure of "killTheDummy/killTheDummy" was made by Eclipse. This is just a copy of the folder I use while working in Eclipse. The folder contains an executable jar-file, the entire javadoc, the ".class" files and the ".java" files.
Other Documents can be found in the folder "killTheDummy/killTheDummy_Documents" and I included a README file in there that explains the folder structure in there.
Old versions can be found in "killTheDummy/old_versions". You can also find a ".txt" file, that shows the dates to the versions. The old version zip-file contains the documents and program folders the way they were when I ended the version.
There are two ways to start this program:
- Start "./killTheDummy/killTheDummy/killTheDummy.jar" using "java -jar killTheDummy.jar" in the console
- Start "./killTheDummy/killTheDummy/bin/killTheDummy/Fight.class" using "java Fight" in the console.
- Ability Balance
- Search for Bugs (testing)
- Check for grammatical mistakes and spelling errors
- Use a GUI (probably with "javax.swing" and "java.awt") instead of the console in- and outputs.