DicomAnonymizerTool is an open source software created for those who want to anonymize Dicom files. For those who have a hard time installing the Python environment, I made an .exe file using python gui. If you specify a folder, this program anonymizes all subdirectories as well. If there are tags you want to add anonymize, you can edit the code.
- Anonymize Tag List
- PatientName
- PatientBirthDate
- PatientSex
- OtherPatientIDs
- PatientAge
- RequestingPhysician
- InstitutionName
- InstitutionAddress
- ReferringPhysicianName
- StationName
- StudyDate
- SeriesDate
- AcquisitionDate
- ContentDate
- StudyTime
- SeriesTime
- AcquisitionTime
- ContentTime
- Manufacturer
- ManufacturerModelName
- DateOfLastCalibration
- TimeOfLastCalibration
- OperatorsName
- StudyDescription
- SeriesDescription
- InstitutionalDepartmentName
- ProtocolName
- include venv
pip install pydicom
pip install Pyside2
pip install tqdm
- We use the GitHub issue tracker for all bugs/issues/enhancements
DicomAnonymizedTool is licensed under MIT License.