Permission Converter - A simple utility module to convert file-system
permission from symbolic to octal notation and vice versa. For example,
to 664
or 0743
to rwxr---wx
. It also has a cli, incase you
find it useful. The library is fully tested with 100% test coverage.
const { isOctal, isSymbolic, analyze, convert } = require("permcon");
isOctal("764") // true
isOctal("0764") // true
isSymbolic("rwxrw-r--") // true
isSymbolic("lrwxrw-r--") // true
isSymbolic("rwSrw-r--") // true
convert("drwxr---wx") // 0743
convert("rwxr---wx") // 0743
// or the other way around
convert("743") // rwxr---wx
fileType: 'Directory',
symbolic: 'rwxr---wx',
octal: '0743',
owner: { read: true, write: true, execute: true },
group: { read: true, write: false, execute: false },
other: { read: false, write: true, execute: true }
suid: false,
guid: false,
sticky_bit: false
Install the application globally: npm i -g permcon
A simple utility to convert file-system permission from symbolic to octal
notation and vice versa.
Usages: permcon [-a] permission-string or number
1. -a : Analyze the permission and print details.
2. --help: Shows help text
❯ permcon rwxr---wx
❯ permcon 743
❯ permcon drwxr---wx -a
# or
❯ permcon -a drwxrw-r--
file type: Directory
symbolic: rwxrw-r--
octal: 0764
owner: read, write, execute
group: read, write
other: read
special permissions: None
If you find a bug then feel free to open an issue or create a pull request :)