My first project using Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 and arduino-cli.
I recommend to disable VS Code Arduino plugin will not generate IntelliSense(You can compile by arduino-cli and code verification works well even if you skip this step while VS Code C++ Extension stil complains about missing header files).
- see here
- I used
steps below instead of.vscode/settings.json
which is used at the cited page, but same result I got.
- I used
Since my PC may be different from your environment, plase according to your own environment. Let me show my Environment.
$ uname
Linux # Arch Linux
$ /usr/bin/arduino-cli version
arduino-cli Version: 0.34.2-arch Commit: 963c1a76c9d2a6ea37956a100c0cd8070260208f Date:
$ cat .vscode/settings.json
"arduino.commandPath": "arduino-cli",
"arduino.path": "/usr/bin",
"arduino.useArduinoCli": true,
"arduino.additionalUrls": [
# note: It's standalone arduino-cli not a VS Code Arduino Extension bundled one.
- Temporary enable automatic IntelliSense generation
// .vscode/arduino.json
"intelliSenseGen": "enable"
, and run commandArduino: Verify
on command pallete or clicking the button right top corner. After this step,.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
will be created and you will see include error, but we will fix them later. -
Turn off automatic IntelliSense generation again(Do it manually or git restore). Result:
// .vscode/arduino.json
"intelliSenseGen": "disable"
- Find full list of include path. Go to folder where arduino-pico library (referred to as
) is installed and findlib/platform_inc.txt
. You can also find same one at platform_inc.txt(version 3.6.0).
# For my PC, files was placed at here
- Copy
to somewhere and open it in editor. Replace-iwithprefixbefore
at the start of each lines with the path to them. TheincludePath
which was generated at above step will give you a hint how to write them.
# Refer to .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json each element is written as absolute path. So we must replace the prefix `-iwithprefixbefore` with path to the folder.
# Copy
$ cp ~/.arduino15/internal/rp2040_rp2040_3.6.0_794e66db9afdfc56/lib/platform_inc.txt /tmp/platform_inc.txt
# For example, username is john
$ sed -i 's/^-iwithprefixbefore/\/home\/john\/.arduino15\/internal\/rp2040_rp2040_3.6.0_794e66db9afdfc56/' /tmp/platform_inc.txt
- Update
retaining originalincludePath
entries. Save it.
"configurations": [
"includePath": [
"...", // original (do not remove!)
"/home/john/.arduino15/..." // append
- Do step 2 again, and make sure that IntelliSense no longer complains.
- nvim-lspconfig
- arduino-config
- arduino/arduino-language-server
I installed arduino-language-server by Mason and add setting to enable the LSP:
See h: lspconfig-server-configurations
for more information.
How to prepare files from scratch to setup a project like this repo.
- sketch.yaml contains almost all information about this project.
$ arduino-cli sketch new LEDPikaPika
Sketch created in: /path/to/LEDPikaPika
$ cd $_
$ tree
└── LEDPikaPika.ino
1 directory, 1 file
Add board:
arduino-cli core install --additional-urls rp2040:rp2040
This command downloads and place rp2040 code at
not at~/.arduino15/internal
First compilation without sketch.yaml
$ arduino-cli compile --only-compilation-database -b rp2040:rp2040:seeed_xiao_rp2040 --dump-profile .
Used platform Version Path
rp2040:rp2040 3.6.0 /home/john/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/3.6.0
fqbn: rp2040:rp2040:seeed_xiao_rp2040
- platform: rp2040:rp2040 (3.6.0)
After compilation copy profiles paste to sketch.yaml
+ seeed_xiao_rp2040:
+ fqbn: rp2040:rp2040:seeed_xiao_rp2040
+ platforms:
+ - platform: rp2040:rp2040 (3.6.0)
+ platform_index_url:
And set default_profile
+default_profile: seeed_xiao_rp2040
After these configuration, the compile sequence become very simple:
arduino-cli compile .
Uploading sequence also become simple:
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/ttyACM0 .
Upload after compile in one command:
arduino-cli compile -u -p /dev/ttyACM0 .
- This is default value and can be customized by editing
- That file can be created by
arduino-cli config init
- That file can be created by
When after cloning this repo and run arduino-cli compile .
(with no ~/.arduino15
for the first time?), arduino-cli
downloads platform codes into ~/.arduino15/internal
instead of ~/.arduino15/platforms