Proof of concept scan to check if a Grafana server is vulnerable to CVE-2019-15043. Checks the Grafana server version number and checks to see if the snapshot API allows for unauthenticated requests.
CVE-2019-15043 is a Denial-of-service vulnerability found in the Grafana snapshots API.
This vulnerability was fixed in versions 5.4.5 and 6.3.4.
Only needs the requests library.
Install with pip3 install requests
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-c]
For checking if a Grafana instance is vunlerable to CVE-2019-15043
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL URL of the target Grafana instance e.g. '-u
-c, --check-version Only check the Grafana versio
Checking only version number:
$ ./ -u -c
[-] Testing
[-] Status: 200
[-] Checking for version...
[-] Grafana version appears to be: 6.3.3
[+] Version seems to indicate it might be vulnerable!
$ ./ -u -c
[-] Testing
[-] Status: 200
[-] Checking for version...
[-] Grafana version appears to be: 6.3.4
[!] Version seems to indicate it's probably not vulnerable.
Checking if snapshot API requires authentication:
$ ./ -u
[-] Testing
[-] Status: 200
[-] Checking for version...
[-] Grafana version appears to be: 6.3.3
[+] Version seems to indicate it might be vulnerable!
[-] Checking if snapshot api requires authentiation...
[+] Snapshot endpoint doesn't seem to require authentication! Host may be vulnerable.
./ -u
[-] Testing
[-] Status: 200
[-] Checking for version...
[-] Grafana version appears to be: 6.3.4
[!] Version seems to indicate it's probably not vulnerable.
[-] Checking if snapshot api requires authentiation...
[!] Status: 401
[!] Snapshot endpoint requires authentication! Host not vulnerable.