The goal of the study is to create a model that, by looking at the README file and meta-information, can identify GitHub "sample repositories" (SR), that mostly contain educational or demonstration materials supposed to be copied instead of reused as a dependency.
Motivation. During the work on CaM project, we were required to filter out repositories with samples. No readily available technique or tool existed that could perform that function, so we conducted research on this very subject.
The repository structured as follows:
- sr-data, module that consists of a set of tasks that filters collected metadata about GitHub repositories.
- sr-train, module for training ML models.
- sr-detector, trained and reusable model for SR detection.
- sr-paper, LaTeX source for a paper on SR detection.
First, prepare datasets:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/output:/collection" -e START="<start date>" \
-e END="<end date>" -e COLLECT_TOKEN="<GitHub PAT to collect repositories>" \
-e COLLECT_TOKEN="<GitHub PAT to fetch metadata>" \
-e HF_TOKEN="<Huggingface PAT>" -e COHERE_TOKEN="<Cohere API token>" \
-e OUT="sr-data" h1alexbel/sr-detection
In the output directory you should have these files:
Alternatively, you can download existing datasets from gh-pages branch.
Make sure that you have Python 3.10+, just, and npm installed on your
system, fork this repository, make changes, send us a pull request.
We will review your changes and apply them to the master
branch shortly,
provided they don't violate our quality standards. To avoid frustration, before
sending us your pull request please run full build:
just full