Jiffy caches information about files and folders on your hard disk to allow fast lookups. My attempt to figure out the fastest cross-platform search tool Python can provide.
- scandir is currently required on Python < 3.5 (Part of the standard library as of 3.5):
pip install scandir
- Python 3 ditched bsddb, so, on Windows, it only supports dumbdbm. dumbdbm sucks, so Jiffy tries to use a better Python based key-value storage on Python 3/Windows - the very nice semidbm:
pip install semidbm
Windows 8.1/ 10, Linux Mint 18.1 Under: Python 2.7/3.5
Jiffy uses generic standard library Python functions for almost all its operations (except opening a file with its default app). I suspect/hope it runs almost anywhere Python can be installed. Feedback is welcome.
- Hit F5 to generate the database for the first time. Update it with F5.
- Type in names, parts of names, extensions etc. separated by spaces for lookups.
- Double click on press Enter after choosing the desired file to open it.
- You can adjust the font size with Ctrl + +/- , or Ctrl + scrollwheel.
- Alt-F4 to exit.
coming up, having some trouble with Peek
- Filetype icons on the various platforms.
Unicode support- Use the USN journal for updates on Windows/NTFS
- Faster dictionary lookups
- The BIG feature
- Add a slicker GUI with Kivy, tkinter as a backfall
- Check LMDB as an alternative storage.
Figure out how to mark out lines on Github
- Lookups take a few seconds for sparse results, I would like them to have real time speed. Feel free to pitch in or offer any assistance.
- Ideas for speeding up the database creation, preferably in a cross-platfrom way, are quite welcome.
The code in this repository is in the public domain.