The Online Voting System is implemented using a three-tier architecture consisting of Frontend Backend and Database. The frontend backend system allows for abstraction by separating the different parts of the system. The frontend generally refers to the user interface of the system and the backend deals with the business logic which is carried out using the data collected. The frontend deals with the visuals and user interface. From a developer point of view, it is simply the design of the webpage and the program logic that aids in the same. For this, we make use of web languages such as HTML, Javascript and CSS. The backend consists of the server-side of the website and is accessed by the users using the front-end application. Java classes are used for backend development. The backend development is facilitated by the use of Spring framework which consists of many modules and provides a basic structure to work on. Spring boot is a spring module which simplifies the use of the framework for Java development. Spring Initializer creates a basic structure upon which we can develop the main business logic. Database is managed with the help of MySQL. A database is a well organised assembly of data for hassle free data management. Structured Query Language is most commonly used for handling data in a database. The spring framework provides the structure to integrate all the three layers.
Installation and Requirements:
Java 11 and Spring Boot 3.0.0 are required for running the system.