The hc2020
platform consists of a Laravel skeleton that provides a static front site and three independant React web apps (the Hackers' dashboard, the Sponsors' dashboard, and the Committee admin dashboard).
The structure of this respository is defined by the Laravel standard. Notable folders are:
--- this holds PHP source files for the site. Seeapp/Http/Controllers
for the controller than build the site's views.database/
--- this defines the migrations that build up the database. Migrations are strictly append only.public/
--- this is the effective root of the site. All files in here are exposed by the web server.resources/
--- this holds the definitions for the React apps, along with any CSS and view definition files.route/web.php
--- this file defines the web app's routable domain and the corresponding controllers.
The React apps use Shopify Polaris as the base UI framework.
Follow the instructions on the "Development > Setting Up the Development Environment" page on the Hack Cambridge Notion. Basic usage is as follows.
git clone
Whenever pulling a new version you recompile the React apps and migrate the database (as shown below).
The dev enviornment setup process with create a Vagrant-managed VM configured exactly as required. From the Homestead/
folder you can run the following.
vagrant up # start the Vagrant VM
vagrant halt # suspend the Vagrant VM
vagrant destroy # delete the Vagrant VM
vagrant ssh # ssh into the Vagrant VM
Once SSH-ed into the VM (and run cd hackcambridge
) you can interact with the deployment as follows.
yarn # install all NPM dependencies
yarn dev # build a testing version of the React apps
yarn watch-poll # build a testing version of the React apps and incrementally recompile when the files change
php artisan migrate # build the database from the DB migration definitions
php artisan migrate:fresh # drop and rebuild the database