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Ruby API client for Increase, a platform for Bare-Metal Banking APIs


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A Ruby API client for Increase, a platform for Bare-Metal Banking APIs!

Interact with Increase's API in a simple and Ruby-like manner.

🏦 Battle-tested at HCB


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add increase -v 0.3.2

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install increase -v 0.3.2


require 'increase'

# Grab your API key from
Increase.api_key = 'my_api_key'
Increase.base_url = ''

# List transactions

# Retrieve a transaction

# Create an ACH Transfer
  account_id: 'account_1234abcd',
  amount: 100_00, # 10,000 cents ($100 dollars)
  routing_number: '123456789',
  account_number: '9876543210',
  statement_descriptor: 'broke the bank for some retail therapy'

Per-request Configuration

By default, the client will use the global API key and configurations. However, you can define a custom client to be used for per-request configuration.

For example, you may want access to production and sandbox data at the same time.

sandbox =
  api_key: 'playing_it_safe',
  base_url: ''

# This request will use the `sandbox` client and its configurations
# => [{some sandbox transactions here}, {transaction}, {transaction}, ...]

# This request will still use the global configurations (using production key)
# => [{some production transactions here}, {transaction}, {transaction}, ...]

Alternatively, directly passing as hash to with_config works too!

Increase::Transactions.with_config(api_key: 'time_is_money', base_url: :sandbox).list
# => [{some sandbox transactions here}, {transaction}, {transaction}, ...]

See the Configuration section for more information on the available configurations.


When listing resources (e.g. transactions), Increase limits the number of results per page to 100. Luckily, the client will automatically paginate through all the results for you!

Increase::Transactions.list(limit: :all) do |transactions|
  # This block will be called once for each page of results
  puts "I got #{transactions.count} transactions!"

# Or, if you'd like a gargantuan array of all the transactions
Increase::Transactions.list(limit: :all)

# You can also use the `next_cursor` to manually paginate through the results
txns = Increase::Transactions.list(
  limit: 2_000,
  'created_at.after': '2022-01-15T06:34:23Z'
# => [{transaction}, {transaction}, {transaction}, ...]
# => "eyJwb2NpdGlvbiI6eyJvZmlzZXQiOjEwMH0sIm3pbHRlclI6e319"

Watch out for the rate limit!

Error Handling

Whenever you make an oopsie, the client will raise an error! Errors originating from the API will be a subclass of Increase::ApiError.

rescue Increase::ApiError => e
  puts e.message # "[404: object_not_found_error] Could not find the ..."
  puts e.title # "Could not find the specified object."
  puts e.detail # "No resource of type transaction was found with ID ..."
  puts e.status # 404

  puts e.response # This contains the full response, including headers!
  # => #<Faraday::Response:0x000000010b1fe2b0 ...>

  puts e.class # Increase::ObjectNotFoundError (subclass of Increase::ApiError)

To disable this behavior, set Increase.raise_api_errors = false. Errors will then be returned as a normal response.

Increase.raise_api_errors = false # Default: true

# => {"status"=>404, "type"=>"object_not_found_error", ... }


Name Description Default
api_key Your Increase API Key. Grab it from nil
base_url The base URL for Increase's API. You can use :production (, :sandbox (, or set an actual URL ""
raise_api_errors Whether to raise an error when the API returns a non-2XX status. Learn more about Increase's errors here. See error classes here true

There are multiple syntaxes for configuring the client. Choose your favorite!

# Set the configurations directly
Increase.api_key = 'terabytes_of_cash' # Default: nil (you'll need one tho!)
Increase.base_url = :production # Default: :production
Increase.raise_api_errors = true # Default: true

# Or, you can pass in a hash
Increase.configure(api_key: 'just_my_two_cents')

# Or, you can use a block!
Increase.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'digital_dough'
  config.base_url = :sandbox # Default: :production
  config.raise_api_errors = false # Default: true

If you are using Rails, the recommended way is to set your configurations as a block in an initializer.

# config/initializers/increase.rb

Increase.configure do |config|
  # Your Increase API Key!
  # Grab it from
  config.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:increase, :api_key)

  # The base URL for Increase's API.
  # You can use
  # - :production (
  # - :sandbox (
  # - or set an actual URL
  config.base_url = Rails.env.production? ? :production : :sandbox

  # Whether to raise an error when the API returns a non-2XX status.
  # If disabled (false), the client will return the error response as a normal,
  # instead of raising an error.
  # Learn more about...
  # - Increase's errors:
  # - Error classes:
  config.raise_api_errors = true # Default: true

File Uploads

It's as simple as passing in a file path!

  purpose: 'identity_document',
  file: '/path/to/file.jpg'

Alternatively, you can pass in a File object.

file ='/path/to/file.jpg')

  purpose: 'identity_document',
  file: file

Or, get even fancier and use Increase::FileUpload to specify the content type and filename.

file =
  content_type: 'image/jpeg',
  filename: 'my_file.jpg'

  purpose: 'identity_document',
  file: file

If no content type or filename is provided, the client will try to guess it.


Increase's webhooks include a Increase-Webhook-Signature header for securing your webhook endpoint. Although not required, it's strongly recommended that you verify the signature to ensure the request is coming from Increase.

Here is an example for Rails.

class IncreaseController < ApplicationController
  protect_from_forgery except: :webhook # Ignore CSRF checks

  def webhook
    payload =
    sig_header = request.headers['Increase-Webhook-Signature']
    secret = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:increase, :webhook_secret)

      payload: payload,
      signature_header: sig_header,
      secret: secret

    # It's a valid webhook! Do something with it...

    render json: {success: true}

  rescue Increase::WebhookSignatureVerificationError => e
    render json: {error: 'Webhook signature verification failed'}, status: :bad_request


Increase supports idempotent requests to allow for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice.

card = Increase::Cards.create(
    # Card parameters
    account_id: 'account_1234abcd',
    description: 'My Chipotle card'
    # Request headers
    'Idempotency-Key': 'use a V4 UUID here'
# => {"id"=>"card_1234abcd", "type"=>"card", ... }

# => nil

# Repeat the exact same request
card = Increase::Cards.create(...)
# => {"id"=>"card_1234abcd", "type"=>"card", ... }

# => "true"

Reusing the key in subsequent requests will return the same response code and body as the original request along with an additional HTTP header (Idempotent-Replayed: true). This applies to both success and error responses. In situations where your request results in a validation error, you'll need to update your request and retry with a new idempotency key.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

You can also run INCREASE_API_KEY=my_key_here INCREASE_BASE_URL= bin/console to run the console with your Increase sandbox API key pre-filled.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

To release a new version:

  • gem bump --version patch|minor|major
  • Update the CHANGELOG and README if necessary
  • bundle exec rake release
  • Create release on GitHub from newly created tag


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Please note that this is not an official library by Increase. This gem was created and maintained by Gary Tou.