NotesProject is the largest community-powered open-source knowledge base dump for researchers and engineers.
To get started with NotesProject, refer to the Open Source Guide for comprehensive information on open-source projects.
To add a new title to the knowledge base dump, follow these steps:
- Create a folder under the relevant section with the technology or subject name. For example, if you want to add information about Ansible, navigate to the DevOps folder and create a new folder named "Ansible" with a README file at
For code snippets, use the following syntax highlighting:
function test() {
console.log("look ma’, no spaces");
The following status indicators are used:
- 🔴 Not Started
- ✅ Completed
⚠️ In Progress
Use the following checklist for feature statuses:
- Represents a feature that is either under development or not available yet.
- Complete
You can find additional metadata and information about NotesProject through the following resources:
- Official ReadMe: #1
- List of Technologies/Approaches:
🔴 DevOps
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