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How to Contribute (Development Workflow)

Tien Yuan edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

This describes the workflow we plan to follow for development work.

Contributors will ...

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Work in their own branch
  3. When ready, open a pull request
  4. Each pull request should be reviewed by ideally 2 people, 1 if it's small.
  5. Approvers should sanity check and actually run the code. We will all be kind and constructive.

Normally we'll try to merge branches at hack night.

But during the holidays, we'll merge after enough folks have reviewed.

  • Branches should only contain work for 1 issue at a time.
  • More than one person can try working on an issue (for now).
  • We'll use linters to enforce code quality.

Interested folks should join the repo as members!

Please ask for an invite on the #heart channel in the Hack for LA slack.