If you are on Ubuntu 22.04 or later, uninstall python3-pyqt5 if that is installed using apt-get and install PyQt5 using pip3.
This is a successor to the waves app that I wrote a long time ago. It was simple, but lacked a few features like saving entire canvas (not just the viewport) as an image (which seemed hard to implement in Tk. Also, waves had a few glaring omissions like not supporting the ':' in the signal name and ability to color data.
I have tried to fix these in Timing Diagrammer, which is written using PyQt5.
Install PyQT5
$ pip3 install PyQt5
Run the Python source:
$ cd TimingDiagrammer/
$ python3 TimingDiagrammer.py
Timing Diagrammer can be run from the source like above, or run from the binary in releases/ directory.
Here is a video of Timing Diagrammer being used to draw a simple timing diagram --
The usual disclaimer applies.