- 🧑🏼💻 Recently I've worked on leetcode problems. I add them to the Tidbits repo. I also add a little bit every day to my website about NumPy.
- 🌱 I've also learned some NumPy. So there is a site where I take my notes and publish them as I learn.
This is a site that lives at patteegreen.netlify.app. It's made with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I launched the site with Netlify.
This is a site that lives at https://the-happy-cloud.netlify.app/. This project demonstrates how Green Sock the JS library and React can work together.
This is a blog about dog care and training. It lives on Netlify as well. It's at https://adventure-dog.netlify.app/. It's made using React, Gatsby, and CSS modules.
This site fetches data (poems) from a free API and displays one poem at a time. It lives at https://haddeeann.github.io/robot-dreams/.
It's made with HTML, JavaScript, CSS. And it is hosted on GitHub Pages. If you go to the site you can search for your favorite poet and it will return the first poem it find by that author.