RESTFUL API to serve all operation in Task Manger App, and execute all CURD operation on MongoDB.
Users can create accounts, login, logout, add and delete profile avatars as well as create and manage tasks they create.
- Node.js and Express.js to setup the server and create API routes.
- MongoDB and Mongoose as a database to store users and tasks data.
- Jest.js to apply some test cases to the app.
- @sendgrid/mail - used to send welcome and cancellation emails
- bcryptjs - used for hashing
- jsonwebtoken - tokens used to authentication
- multer - used for setting requirements for uploading avatars
- sharp - used to resize avatars when saving to DB
- validator - used to validate fields like email
npm install
- create dev.env file in top folder directory and add this values:
- PORT=3000
- MONGODB_URL=mongodb://
- Create test.env file in top folder directory and add this values:
- PORT=3000
- MONGODB_URL=mongodb://
- Download MongoDB and start it
- Start the project
npm run dev
- To execute tests
npm test
- setup express server.
- API authentication and security.
- create API endpoints and add some express middleware (auth).
- work with JWT to create user token and verify it later.
- create mongoose models for database collections and use Mongoose Schema and middleware on model.
- execute CURD operation using Mongoose and handle relationships between collections.
- upload file type data (image) to MongoDB and set the validation + execute some edits on image before save it to db.
- apply sorting, pagination, and filtering on read all tasks route.
- send email on create or delete user using sendgrid.
- create environment variables to store some sensitive data.
- work with postman (collections, dev/prod environments, variables and js script to update a var on receive new value).
- create a production MongoDB database (online db for production).
- upload API to heroku (online API for production).
- write many test cases in jest.js to test many functions in the app.
- Create user account - POST /users - name, email and password are required.
- Read user account info - GET /users/me - Auth required (userToken).
- Update user account - PATCH /users/me - Auth required (userToken).
- Delete user account - DELETE /users/me - Auth required (userToken).
- Login user - POST /users/login - email and password must be provided.
- Logout user (most recent session only) - POST /users/logout - Auth required (userToken).
- Logout user from all instances - POST /users/logoutall - Auth required (userToken).
- Add user avatar - POST /users/me/avatar - Auth required (userToken).
- Delete user avatar - DELETE /users/me/avatar - Auth required (userToken).
- View users avatar by user id - GET /users/:id/avatar - requires users id.
- Create new task - POST /tasks - requires auth and task description optional completed value can be provided.
- Read task by task id - GET /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth.
- Update task by id - PATCH /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth.
- Delete task by id - DELETE /tasks/:id - requires tasks id and Auth.
- Read all tasks (queries available) - GET /tasks? - requires Auth, all queries are optional.
Query options available:
- completed=false - can search by completed field, either true or false
- limit=1 - can limit number of results sent back
- skip=1 - can skip results
- sortBy=desc - can sort results in ascending or descending order