Contains methods for network estimation and forecasting for high-dimensional time series under a factor-adjusted VAR model. See
FNETS: Factor-adjusted network estimation and forecasting for high-dimensional time series, to appear in the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
by Matteo Barigozzi, Haeran Cho and Dom Owens arXiv:2201.06110 for details of the methodology, and
fnets: An R Package for Network Estimation and Forecasting via Factor-Adjusted VAR Modelling, to appear in The R Journal
by Dom Owens, Haeran Cho and Matteo Barigozzi arXiv:2301.11675 for further information about the usage of the R package.
To install fnets
from CRAN:
To install the latest version from GitHub:
We can generate an example dataset used in the above paper for simulation studies, by separately generating the factor-driven common component and the idiosyncratic VAR process as
n <- 500
p <- 50
common <- sim.unrestricted(n, p)
idio <- sim.var(n, p)
x <- common$data + idio$data
Fit a factor-adjusted VAR model with q = 2
factors and lasso
for VAR transition matrix estimation
out <- fnets(x, q = 2, var.order = 1, var.method = "lasso", do.lrpc = FALSE)
Plot the Granger network induced by the estimated VAR transition matrices:
plot(out, type = "granger", display = "network")
Estimate and plot the partial-correlation and long-run partial correlation-based networks:
plrpc <- par.lrpc(out)
out$lrpc <- plrpc
out$lrpc.method <- 'par'
plot(out, type = "lrpc", display = "heatmap")
Estimate the (long-run) partial correlation-based networks directly using fnets
out <- fnets(x, q = 2, var.order = 1, var.method = "lasso", do.lrpc = TRUE)
Forecast n.ahead
pr <- predict(out, n.ahead = 1, common.method = "restricted")