The CF-Stream-Uploader is an UI to upload your videos 📹 in your cloudflare cloud.
- You can easily upload your videos in your own cloudflare cloud ☁️
- Additional you can set restrictions for all your videos 🔓
- The CF-Stream-Uploader will genereate a HTML-Code with your embedded videolink 📄
- You can personalize the HTML-Code ✏️
- The CF-Stream-Uploader displays your video-storage-capacity for an easy overview 〽️
- The CF-Stream-Uploader saves your HTML-Codes on your pc 💻
- ...
Here are our milestones:
- M1 The user can upload a given video and gets generated HTML Code to embedded in websites. ✔️
- M2 The user can apply video restrictions and the complete process is visualised ✔️
- M3 The user can manage history and settings and can view remaining video runtime capacity :heavy_check_mark:
- Here you have to enter your account data
- All fields have to filled out
- Save your settings
There are two options to select a video:
- You can easily drop a video in the the "DragAndDrop" field
- Press the button "Select video" and choose your file
The name of the video is now displayed bellow the drag and drop field
Here is a list of supported video-formates:
- MP4,
- 3GP
- WebM
- QuickTime.
- "allow" - View is considered valid
- "block" - View is considered invalid and a 401 or 403 is returned
- You can enter your IpAdresses in the textbox
- Each adress seperated with a comma
- Match specific IPv4 or IPV6 addresses or CIDRs
- It is recommended to include both IPv4 and IPv6 variants in a rule if possible
- The IpAdesses will have a simple validation check
- You can switch between "allow" or "block" for your entered IpAdresses
- You can enter your Countries in the textbox
- Each coutry seperated with a comma
- Match specific 2-letter country codes in ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 format
- You have a list of supported countries in the link below
- You can switch between "allow" and "block" for your entered countries
- Set a time limit until the video can be seen
- The default value time is ten years (if it was not set by yourself)
- Press the Button "Start"
- The single stepps will be displayed under the "Start" button
- After finishing all stepps the HTML will be displayed
- You can copy the HTML-Code with the button "copy HTML"
- The button "copy video-url" gives the link to your video
The JSON config file has the following format:
"UserSettings": {
"CfToken": "exampleCfToken",
"CfAccount": "exampleCfAccount",
"KeyId": "exampleKeyId",
"PrivateKey": "examplePrivateKey"
"AccessRules": {
"Any": {
"Action": "block",
"Type": "any"
"Ip": {
"Action": "allow",
"Type": "ip.src",
"Ips": [
"Country": {
"Action": "block",
"Type": "",
"Countries": [
"ExpiresIn": 365
"IsDarkmode": false
The Config is located in:
(make sure to exchange "LOCAL_USER" with you local windows user name ;) )
- every video upload is saved
"VideoTitle": "",
"UploadDate": "",
"VideoUrl": "",
"SetAccesRules": [ ],
"VideoToken": "",
"HtmlCode": ""
If you dont have an own HTML-Layout the CF-Stream-Uploader will generate a default HTML-Layout. This is the default HTML-Layout:
<div style="position: relative; padding-top: 56.25%;">
<iframe src="{0}?preload=true"
style="border: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;"
There again you can copie your own Html-Layout named "HtmlLayout.txt" in:
(make sure to exchange "LOCAL_USER" with you local windows user name ;) )
You need one (and only one) variale in your "HtmlLayout.txt" file. Here is an example:
{0} will replace with the given video token.