The current situation worldwide pandemic COVID-19 since 2019.As a consequence, people have been looking for any available information about it ever since. So we resorted to creating a Chatbot to help get information from it,
- Chatbots are much more advanced now.
- Chatbot is one of the most interesting and important technologies.
- The dataset consists of a total of 2,348 questions.
- With 280 unique Question IDs.
- It is annotated by a selected group of medical experts, scientists, engineers, technologists, and specialists.
- It relies on a repository of Frequently Asked Questions gathered from reliable sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the University of Washington Bothell, and the Federation of American Scientists.
- First approach based on TF-IDF.
- Second approach based on LSA.
- Third approach based on Glove.
- Cosine Similarity.
- Encoding (Representing text as numbers).
- sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model.
- Small dataset.
- Availability of GPU.
- Get larger dataset.
- Next Approaches
- Model supports other languages.