Dan Mcdougall wrote sshpt(SSH Power Tool) and maintained it.
This repo is a fork of sshpt 1.3.13
Copyright (C) 2011 Dan McDougall.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
A copy of the GNU GPLv3 should have been distributed with this sofware. If a copy was not provided it may be downloaded at the following URL:
Detailed information on sshpt as well as the latest version can be found at the following URL:
No installation is necessary to use sshpt but Python 2.5+ is required as well as the following Python modules:
Paramiko - Pythonic SSH implementation
URL: http://www.lag.net/paramiko/
pycrypto - Python Cryptography Toolkit
URL: http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html
Using pip:
pip install sshpt
Using Codes:
sudo python setup.py install
usage: usage: sshpt [options] "[command1]" "[command2]" ...
positional arguments:
Commands Commands
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Location of the file containing the host list.
-S, --stdin Read hosts from standard input
--hosts HOSTS Specify a host list on the command line.
Configuration file with INI Format. ex)--ini-file
path, server
Configuration file with JSON Format. ex)--json path,
-k <file>, --key-file <file>
Location of the private key file
-K <password>, --key-pass <password>
The password to be used when use the private key
-o <file>, --outfile <file>
Location of the file where the results will be saved.
-a <file>, --authfile <file>
Location of the file containing the credentials to be
used for connections (format is "username:password").
-T <int>, --threads <int>
Number of threads to spawn for simultaneous connection
attempts [default: 10].
-P <port>, --port <port>
The port to be used when connecting. Defaults to 22.
-u <username>, --username <username>
The username to be used when connecting. Defaults to
the currently logged-in user.
-p <password>, --password <password>
The password to be used when connecting (not
recommended--use an authfile unless the username and
password are transient).
-q, --quiet Don't print status messages to stdout (only print
-d <path>, --dest <path>
Path where the file should be copied on the remote
host (default: /tmp/).
-x, --execute Execute the copied file (just like executing a given
-r, --remove Remove (clean up) the SFTP'd file after execution.
-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds>
Timeout (in seconds) before giving up on an SSH
connection (default: 30)
-s [SUDO], --sudo [SUDO]
Use sudo to execute the command (default: as root).
--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
Ouptut format
-c <file>, --copy-file <file>
Location of the file to copy to and optionally execute
(-x) on hosts.