The purpose of CAFE is to analyze changes in gene family size in a way that accounts for phylogenetic history and provides a statistical foundation for evolutionary inferences. The program uses a birth and death process to model gene gain and loss across a user-specified phylogenetic tree. The distribution of family sizes generated under this model can provide a basis for assessing the significance of the observed family size differences among taxa.
This repository contains code for CAFE 5, an updated version of the CAFE code base. CAFE 5 showcases new functionalities while keeping or improving several of the features available in prior releases.
The original development of the statistical framework and algorithms are described by Hahn, et al. (2005) and later implemented in the software package CAFE by De Bie, et al. (2006).
CAFE v2.0 (Hahn, Demuth, et al. 2007; Hahn, Han, et al. 2007) Included software updates and functionality that allowed users to specify different λ values for different branches on their input tree.
CAFE v3.0 (Han, et al. 2013) was a major update to CAFE 2.0, with added functionality that included: 1) the ability to correct for genome assembly and annotation error. 2) The ability to estimate separate birth (λ) and death (μ) rates using the lambdamu command. 3) The ability to estimate error in an input data set with iterative use of the errormodel command using the accompanying python script This version also included the addition of the rootdist command to give the user more control over simulations.
CAFE v4.0 was primarily a maintenance update. At that time formal issue tracking and a user forum was introduced.
CAFE v5.0. (Current Release) Another major update, CAFE5 showcases new functionalities while keeping or improving several of the features available in prior releases.
If you use CAFE5 in your work, please cite the application as
- Fábio K Mendes, Dan Vanderpool, Ben Fulton, Matthew W Hahn, CAFE 5 models variation in evolutionary rates among gene families, Bioinformatics, 2020;, btaa1022,
Original development of the statistical framework and algorithms implemented in CAFE are published in:
Hahn, M. W., T. De Bie, J. E. Stajich, C. Nguyen, and N. Cristianini. 2005. Estimating the tempo and mode of gene family evolution from comparative genomic data. Genome Research 15:1153–1160.
De Bie, T., N. Cristianini, J. P. Demuth, and M. W. Hahn. 2006. CAFE: a computational tool for the study of gene family evolution. Bioinformatics 22:1269–1271.
The citation for CAFE v2.0 is:
- Hahn, M. W., J. P. Demuth, and S.-G. Han. 2007. Accelerated rate of gene gain and loss in primates. Genetics 177:1941–1949. Genetics.
The citation for CAFE v3.1 and v4.0 is:
- Han, M. V., G. W. C. Thomas, J. Lugo-Martinez, and M. W. Hahn. 2013. Estimating Gene Gain and Loss Rates in the Presence of Error in Genome Assembly and Annotation Using CAFE 3. Mol. Biol. Evol. 30:1987–1997.
Among Family Rate Variation (AFRV) using a discrete gamma model with a jointly optimized alpha shape parameter. The birth-death model estimates the posterior probabilities of each gene family belonging to different evolutionary rate categories. The rates of each of the K categories are determined in similar fashion to what is done in nucleotide sequence analyses: through a discrete gamma distribution that has its alpha parameter estimated by maximum likelihood.
Ancestral state reconstruction is now done jointly (all ancestral states are inferred simultaneously) with Pupko’s algorithm (Pupko et al. 2000).
The error model is now optimized numerically by CAFE5 directly, rather than the Python script required in previous versions.
Outputs are now internally parsed by CAFE5 (no external dependencies or scripts necessary) into summary tables.
CAFE5 implements a birth-death model for evolutionary inferences about gene family evolution. Its main task is the maximum-likelihood estimation of a global or local gene family evolutionary rates (lambda parameter) for a given data set. Briefly, CAFE5 can:
Compare scenarios in which the whole phylogeny shares the same (global) lambda vs. scenarios in which different parts of the phylogeny share different (local) lambdas.
Classify specific gene families as "fastly evolving” in at least two different ways (see documentation below).
Infer gene family counts at all internal nodes (ancestral populations) of the phylogeny provided as input. By comparing different nodes in the phylogeny, the user will be able to tell along which branches gene families have contracted or expanded.
Account for non-biological factors (e.g., genome sequencing and coverage differences, gene family clustering errors, etc.) leading to incorrect gene family counts in input files. This is done with an error model.
Estimate a phylogeny from gene families or gene sequence alignments. CAFE5 also does not convert a phylogeny with branches in expected substitutions per site into a time tree (an ultrametric tree with branch lengths in time units). This task should be conducted by the user prior to CAFE5 analyses.
Implement clustering algorithms that identify (or verify the legitimacy of) gene families. It is entirely up to the user to pick a gene family identification method and carry out this task prior to CAFE5 analyses.
Predict gene family function or infer enrichment of functional classes.
The Github page for CAFE5 is
Navigate to a directory that you typically keep source code in and do one of the following:
Download the latest release from the CAFE release directory
If you wish to get the latest version from source, you can run
$ git clone
Please note that the released versions contain tested and approved code, while the latest source code may contain experimental and untested features. It is highly recommended to use a released version instead.
CAFE 5 can utilize powerful compilers and a number of different matrix multiplication libraries. By default, you will most likely only have the standard BLAS & LAPACK implementation on your system. However, other libraries are available for high performance linear algebra calculations including:
If you choose to install a different libraries, ensure they are visible to the compiler by copying or linking them to the compiler library search path and include search path or adding the paths as compiler flags in the makefile.
To get the library search paths for the GNU c++ compiler (g++) one can type:
$ g++ -print-search-dirs | sed '/^lib/b 1;d;:1;s,/[^/.][^/]*/\.\./,/,;t 1;s,:[^=]*=,:;,;s,;,; ,g' | tr \; \\012
To get the Include search paths type:
$ g++ -E -Wp,-v -xc++ /dev/null
Move into the CAFE5 folder, and type
$ ./configure
$ make
If you have downloaded the source code, you will need to run the autoconf command to create the configure file provided in the released versions.
The CAFE5 executable will be located in the “bin” folder. One can either copy the binary file to a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin. Alternatively, add /path/to/CAFE5/bin/ to your $PATH variable (in your .bashrc or .bash profile).
If you encounter an error during the build that looks like:
src/matrix_cache.cpp:2:10: fatal error: 'omp.h' file not found
You may need to install gcc, find the omp.h file and add it to your path. If you already have gcc installed you may have to find this file and soft link it to a directory that the compiler can find. Try finding the missing file by:
$ find / -name omp.h
This found the omp.h file in the Homebrew installation of gcc. I can now soft link (or copy) it to a directory where it can be found.
ln -sv /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/7.3.0/lib/gcc/7/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0/7.3.0/include/omp.h /usr/local/include/
Now run
$ make
For a typical CAFE analysis, users are most interested in determining two things:
- Which gene families are rapidly evolving
- The branches of the tree on which these families are rapidly evolving
This type of analysis requires a minimum of two input files:
- The count data file is a tab-delimited family "counts" file that contains a column for a description of the gene family, the unique ID for each family, and a column for each taxon that has count data for each family. This file is acquired by first peforming a clustering analysis, often using software such as OrthoMCL, SwiftOrtho, FastOrtho, OrthAgogue, or OrthoFinder and then parsing the output into a table like the one below (Note: if a functional description is not desired, include this column anyway with a place holder as below (null)).
Example: mammal_gene_families.txt
Desc Family ID human chimp orang baboon gibbon macaque marmoset rat mouse cat horse cow
ATPase ORTHOMCL1 52 55 54 57 54 56 56 53 52 57 55 54
(null) ORTHOMCL2 76 51 41 39 45 36 37 67 79 37 41 49
HMG box ORTHOMCL3 50 49 48 48 46 49 48 55 52 51 47 55
(null) ORTHOMCL4 43 43 47 53 44 47 46 59 58 51 50 55
Dynamin ORTHOMCL5 43 40 43 44 31 46 33 79 70 43 49 50
DnaJ ORTHOMCL10016 45 46 50 46 46 47 46 48 49 45 44 48
- The tree file should contain a binary, rooted, ultrametric, tree in Newick format. Typically one obtains this tree using one of several molecular dating methods. If you are unsure if your tree is binary, rooted, or ultrametric CAFE will report this when you try to use it for an analysis. Alternatively, you can use the R package, Ape with its included functions: is.ultrametric, is.rooted, and is.binary.
Example: mammals_tree.txt
To get a list of commands just call CAFE with the -h or --help arguments:
$ cafe5 -h
To estimate lambda with no among family rate variation issue the command:
$ cafe5 -i mammal_gene_families.txt -t mammal_tree.txt
To incorporate among family rate variation with both lambda and alpha estimated and three discrete gamma rate categories:
$ cafe5 -i mammal_gene_families.txt -t mammal_tree.txt -k 3
To estimate separate lambda values for different lineages in the tree, first identify the branches to which each lambda will apply. This can be done by making a copy of your tree, and substituting the lambda identifier (1,2,3, etc.) for the branch length values. For example, to apply a different lambda to the branches leading to human, chimp, and their ancestor, modify the branches as below.
Example chimphuman_separate_lambda.txt:
For this tree, lambda #2 will be applied to branches leading to human, chimp, and their ancestor while lambda #1 will be applied to all other branches of the tree.
To run this analysis with both lambdas estimated:
$ cafe5 -i mammal_gene_families.txt -t mammal_tree.txt -y chimphuman_separate_lambda.txt
- Always perform multiple runs to ensure convergence, especially if multiple gamma rate categories or lambdas are used.
- More gamma rate categories (-k) does not always mean a better fit to the data. While -k=2 nearly always fits the data better than -k=1, it may be the case that -k=5 has a worse likelihood than -k=3, and convergences between runs is more difficult with more categories. Try several and see what works.
- We recommend using the -o flag to assign a unique name to the output directory for each run so that results from previous runs are not overwritten.
- For all but the simplest of data sets, searching for multiple lambdas with multiple rate categories will result in a failure of convergence to a single optimum between runs.
A tutorial is provided in the docs/tutorial directory. It provides instructions on how to generate a reasonable gene family groups in the correct format, dated ultrametric trees, and basic CAFE analyses. The tutorial contains and some helper scripts.
CAFE5 performs three different operations on either one or two models. The operations are
Estimate Lambda - the traditional function of CAFE. Takes a tree and a file of gene family counts, and performs a maximum likelihood calculation to estimate the most likely rate of change across the entire tree.
Simulate - Given specified values, generate an artificial list of gene families that matches the values. To generate a simulation, pass the --simulate or -s parameter. Either pass a count of families to be simulated with the parameter (--simulate=1000) or pass a --rootdist (-f) parameter with a file containing the distribution to match (see [rootdist] for the file format).
The models are
Base - Perform computations as if no gamma function is available
Gamma - Perform computations as if each gene family can belong to a different evolutionary rate category. To use Gamma modelling, pass the -k parameter specifying the number of categories to use.
Unlike earlier versions, CAFE5 does not require a script. All options are given at once on the command line. Here is an example:
cafe5 -t examples/mammals\_tree.txt -i examples/mammal\_gene\_families.txt -p -k 3
In this example, the -t parameter specifies a file containing the tree that CAFE uses; and the -i parameter specifies a list of gene families. The -p, in this instance given without a parameter, indicates that the root equilibrium frequency will not be a uniform distribution. The -k parameter specifies how many gamma rate categories to use.
--fixed_alpha, -a
Alpha value of the discrete gamma distribution to use in category calculations. If not specified, the alpha parameter will be estimated by maximum likelihood.
--lambda_per_family, -b
Estimate lambda by family (for testing purposes only).
--cores, -c
Number of processing cores to use, requires an integer argument. Default=All available cores.
--error_model, -e
Run with no file name to estimate the global error model file. This file can be provided in subsequent runs by providing the path to the Error model file with no spaces (e.g. -eBase_error_model.txt).
--Expansion, -E
Expansion parameter for Nelder-Mead optimizer, Default=2.
--rootdist, -f
Path to root distribution file for simulating datasets.
--help, -h
Help menu with a list of all commands.
--infile, -i
Path to tab delimited gene families file to be analyzed - Required for estimation.
--Iterations, -I
Maximum number of iterations that will be performed in lambda search. Default=300 (increase this number if likelihood is still improving when limit is hit).
--n_gamma_cats, -k
Number of gamma categories to use. If specified, the Gamma model will be used to run calculations; otherwise the Base model will be used.
--fixed_lambda, -l
Value (between 0 and 1) for a single user provided lambda value, otherwise lambda is estimated.
--log_config, -L
Turn on logging, provide name of the configuration file for logging (see example log.config file).
--fixed_multiple_lambdas, -m
Multiple lambda values, comma separated, must be used in conjunction with lambda tree (-y).
--output_prefix, -o
Output directory - Name of directory automatically created for output. Default=results.
--poisson, -p
Use a Poisson distribution for the root frequency distribution. If no -p flag is given, a uniform distribution will be used. A value can be specified (-p10, or --poisson=10); otherwise the distribution will be estimated from the gene families.
--pvalue, -P
P-value to use for determining significance of family size change, Default=0.05.
--chisquare_compare, -r
Chi square compare (not tested).
--Reflection, -R
Reflection parameter for Nelder-Mead optimizer, Default=1.
--simulate, -s
Simulate families. Either provide an argument of the number of families to simulate (-s100, or --simulate=100) or provide a rootdist file giving a set of root family sizes to match. Without such a file, the families will be generated with root sizes selected randomly between 0 and 100.
--tree, -t
Path to file containing newick formatted tree - Required for estimation.
--lambda_tree, -y
Path to lambda tree, for use with multiple lambdas.
--zero_root, -z
Include gene families that don't exist at the root, not recommended.
Tree files
A tree file is specified in Newick format.
An example may be found in the examples/mammals_tree.txt file.
Family files
Family files can be specified in the CAFE input format:
Desc Family ID human chimp orang baboon gibbon macaque marmoset rat mouse cat horse cow ATPase ORTHOMCL1 52 55 54 57 54 56 56 53 52 57 55 54 (null) ORTHOMCL2 76 51 41 39 45 36 37 67 79 37 41 49 HMG box ORTHOMCL3 50 49 48 48 46 49 48 55 52 51 47 55 (null) ORTHOMCL4 43 43 47 53 44 47 46 59 58 51 50 55 Dynamin ORTHOMCL5 43 40 43 44 31 46 33 79 70 43 49 50 ...... .... .. DnaJ ORTHOMCL10016 45 46 50 46 46 47 46 48 49 45 44 48
The file is tab-separated with a header line giving the order of the species. Each line thereafter consists of a description, a family ID, and counts for each species in the tree.
Alternatively, the family file can be specified with a set of lines beginning with hashtags containing the species order:
#human #chimp 1 2 ORTHOMCL1 2 1 ORTHOMCL2 3 6 ORTHOMCL3 6 3 ORTHOMCL4
In this case, the family ID will be in the final column.
Root distributions
A root distribution file takes the format “family_size [whitespace] family_count”, e.g.
1 1 2 5 3 10 4 15 5 42
An example may be found in the “examples/poisson_root_dist_1000.txt” file.
Error models
An error model consists of modifications of probabilities of moving from one family size to another through the tree. The file is structured as a series of lines containing the family size, the probability of moving to less than that size, the probability of that size staying the same, and the probabilities of the size becoming larger. Two header lines must be included: the maximum family size to process, and the differential of the probabilities.
maxcnt:90 cntdiff -1 0 1 0 0.00 0.95 0.05 1 0.05 0.9 0.05 2 0.05 0.9 0.05 3 0.05 0.9 0.05 4 0.05 0.9 0.05
All output will be stored to the "results" directory, unless another directory is specified with the "-o" parameter.
The file will be named Base_asr.txt or Gamma_asr.txt, based on which model is in play. It contains the reconstructed states of the families, in the Nexus file format (\_file). A tree is provided for each family,with the expected family size set off with an underscore from the node ID.
In the case of the Gamma reconstruction, the Lambda multipliers for each category are given their own section in this file. In this case, ony the fastest families are printed.
IMPORTANT! If you want to view only gene families with significant changes mapped onto the branch on which the change occurred, simple parsing can be employed using grep e.g.:
echo $'#nexus\nbegin trees;'>Significant_trees.tre grep "*" _model_\_asr.tre >>Significant_trees.tre echo "end;">>Significant_trees.tre
Open this file in Dendroscope or a similar program and you can view the tree with only families exhibiting a significant change mapped onto the branch on which the change occurred.
The file will be named Base_family_results.txt or Gamma_family_results.txt, based on which model is in play. It consists of a header line giving the name of each node in the tree, followed by a line consisting of the family ID, an estimate of whether the change is significant (’y’ or ’n’). The characters are separated by tabs.
#FamilyID pvalue Significant at 0.05 0 0.436 n 1 0.209 n 2 0.002 y
In the Gamma model, an additional set of probabilities are appended, representing the likelihood of the family belonging to each gamma category.
IMPORTANT! If you want to know how many and which families underwent a significant expansion/contraction, you can parse this file using simple grep or awk commands.
To count significant families at the p=0.05 threshold:
grep -c "\ty" Gammma_family_results.txt
To write the just significant families to a file:
grep "y" Gamma_family_results.txt > Significant_families.txt
If you used a the default p-value (0.05) in your analysis but have too many significant results, you can filter these to a lower p-value (0.01 in the example) using awk, e.g.:
awk '$2 < .01 {print $0}' Gamma_family_results.txt > Sig_at_p.01.txt
Count the number of significant families in this file using bash:
wc -l Sig_at_p.01.txt
The file will be named Base_clade_results.txt or Gamma_clade_results.txt, based on which model is in play. It consists of a header line, “Taxon Increase Decrease”, and for each node in the tree, a tab-separated count of the number of families which have increased and decreased for that node.
Contains a tab-separated list of the probabilities calculated for each clade and significant family. Probabilities are displayed as "N/A" if the parent and child have the same value. In the case of the Gamma model, only contains significant families that are calculated to be rapidly changing.
Using the Base model, a tab-separated file consisting of the header line “#FamilyID Likelihood of Family”, and additional tab-separated lines consisting of the family ID and the posterior probability of that family.
Using the Gamma model, the file contains the following values:
#FamilyID Gamma Cat Mean Lkhd of Category Lkhd of Family Posterior Probability Significant 6 0.0459381 3.72073e-33 1.56448e-18 2.37825e-15 N/S 6 0.333538 3.15818e-20 1.56448e-18 0.0201867 N/S 6 0.969463 1.37286e-18 1.56448e-18 0.877521 N/S 6 2.65106 1.60035e-19 1.56448e-18 0.102293 N/S 9 0.0459381 3.44912e-22 2.5524e-16 1.35133e-06 N/S 9 0.333538 1.53142e-16 2.5524e-16 0.599993 N/S 9 0.969463 9.99454e-17 2.5524e-16 0.391575 N/S 9 2.65106 2.1518e-18 2.5524e-16 0.00843051 N/S ... .. .
The values for each family are listed on each tab-separated line.
A file giving the name of the model that was selected (“Base” or “Gamma”), the final likelihood of that model, the final value of the rate of change of families (Lambda) that was calculated, and, if an error model was specified, the final value of that value (Epsilon).
model_change.txt - A tab-separated file listing, for each family and clade, the difference between it and its parent clade in the reconstruction that was performed.
model_count.txt - A tab-separated file listing, for each family and clade, the reconstructed value in that clade.
In the case of simulation, a family file is generated with simulated data based on the given input parameters.
When simulating, an additional file is generated with simulated data for internal nodes included. The format is otherwise identical to the family file. Rather than node names, each internal node is assigned an integer ID.
Search for a single lambda value using the mammal phylogeny and gene family set in the Examples directory:
../bin/cafe5 -t mammals_tree.txt -i mammal_gene_families.txt -p -o singlelambda
In earlier versions, the following script would have returned the same values:
tree ((((cat:68.710507,horse:68.710507):4.566782,cow:73.277289):20.722711,(((((chimp:4.444172,human:4.444172):6.682678,orang:11.126850):2.285855,gibbon:13.412706):7.211527,(macaque:4.567240,baboon:4.567240):16.056992):16.060702,marmoset:36.684935):57.315065):38.738021,(rat:36.302445,mouse:36.302445):96.435575)
load -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t 10 -l reports/run6_caferror_files/cafe_log.txt
lambda -s -t ((((1,1)1,1)1,(((((1,1)1,1)1,1)1,(1,1)1)1,1)1)1,(1,1)1)
Search for separate lambda values for the chimp/human clade and the rest of the tree separately, using the mammal phylogeny and gene family set in the Examples directory:
../bin/cafe5 -t mammals_tree.txt -i mammal_gene_families.txt -p -y chimphuman_separate_lambda.txt -o doublelambda
In earlier versions, the following script would have returned the same values:
load -i integral_test_families.txt -t 10
lambda -s -t ((((1,1)1,1)1,(((((2,2)2,2)2,2)2,(1,1)1)1,1)1)1,(1,1)1)
Search for a single lambda value using the Newick tree of mammals in the Samples folder, and the family files from the CAFE tutorial, applying an error model:
cafe5 -t data/mammals_integral_tree.txt -i data/filtered_cafe_input.txt -p -l 0.01 -e data/cafe_errormodel_0.0548828125.txt
In earlier versions, the following script would have returned the same values:
tree ((((cat:68,horse:68):4,cow:73):20,(((((chimp:4,human:4):6,orang:11):2,gibbon:13):7,(macaque:4,baboon:4):16):16,marmoset:36):57):38,(rat:36,mouse:36):96) load -i integral_test_families.txt -t 10
errormodel -all -model cafe_errormodel_0.0548828125.txt
lambda -l 0.01 -t ((((1,1)1,1)1,(((((1,1)1,1)1,1)1,(1,1)1)1,1)1)1,(1,1)1) -score
Estimate an error model:
cafe5 -t mammals_integral_tree.txt -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -p -e errormodel.txt
In earlier versions, the following script would have returned the same values:
load -i filtered_cafe_input.txt -t 4 -l reports/log_run6.txt
tree ((((cat:68.710507,horse:68.710507):4.566782,cow:73.277289):20.722711,(((((chimp:4.444172,human:4.444172):6.682678,orang:11.126850):2.285855,gibbon:13.412706):7.211527,(macaque:4.567240,baboon:4.567240):16.056992):16.060702,marmoset:36.684935):57.315065):38.738021,(rat:36.302445,mouse:36.302445):96.435575)
lambda -s -t ((((1,1)1,1)1,(((((1,1)1,1)1,1)1,(1,1)1)1,1)1)1,(1,1)1)
report reports/report_run6
Because the random birth and death process assumes that each family has at least one gene at the root of the tree, CAFE5 will not provide accurate results if included gene families were not present in the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all taxa in the tree. For example, even if all taxa have a gene family size of 0, CAFE will assign the MRCA a gene family of size 1, and include the family in estimation of the birth and death rate. This difficulty does not affect analyses containing families that go extinct subsequent to the root node.
If a change in gene family size is very large on a single branch, CAFE5 may fail to provide accurate λ estimation and/or die during computation. To see if this is a problem, look at the likelihood scores computed during the λ search (reported in the log file if the job finishes). If ALL scores are “-inf” then there is a problem with large size changes and CAFE5 has calculated a probability of 0. Removing the family with the largest difference in size among species and rerunning CAFE5 should allow λ to be estimated on the remaining data. If the problem persists, remove the family with the next largest difference and proceed in a like manner until CAFE5 no longer finds families with zero probability. However, if rapidly evolving families are removed, care should be taken in interpretation of the estimated average rate of evolution for the remaining data.
In very large phylogenetic trees there can be many independent lambda parameters (2n - 2 in a rooted tree, where n is the number of taxa). CAFE5 does not always converge to a single global maximum with large numbers of λ parameters, and therefore can give misleading results. To check for this you should always run the λ search multiple times to ensure that the same estimated values are found. Also, the likelihood of models with more parameters should always be lower than models with fewer parameters, which may not be true if [CAFE5 ]{}has failed to find a global maximum. If CAFE does not converge over multiple runs, then one should reduce the number of parameters estimated and try again.
More verbose logging can be provided with an EasyLogging log config file. The file may look like this:
FORMAT = "%datetime %msg"
FILENAME = "cafe.log"
ENABLED = true
TO_FILE = true
MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE = 2097152 ## 2MB - Comment starts with two hashes (##)
LOG_FLUSH_THRESHOLD = 100 ## Flush after every 100 logs
FORMAT = "%datetime{%d/%M} %func %msg"
For more information, see
Pass the config file to CAFE with the --log_config flag. For example,
cafe5 -t examples/mammals_tree.txt -i filtered_cafe_input.txt --log_config log.config
The Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm is used. It runs until it can find a difference of less than 1e-6 in either the calculated score or the calculated value, or for 10,000 iterations. The parameters that are used for the optimizer are as follows:
rho: 1 (reflection)
chi: 2 (expansion)
psi: 0.5 (contraction)
sigma: 0.5 (shrink)
In some cases, the optimizer suggests values that cannot be calculated (due to saturation, negative values, or other reasons) In this case, an infinite score is returned and the optimizer continues.
When optimizing for an alpha value with a set number of clusters, if the largest multiplier in the longest branch is saturated, the scorer will return an infinite value. This will be noted at the end of the run with text like:
90 values were attempted (10% rejected)
showing that 10
The following families had failure rates >20% of the time:
Family6 had 22 failures
Family9 had 19 failures
Certain options are available at compile-time for the optimizer. If OPTIMIZER_STRATEGY_INITIAL_VARIANTS is defined, the optimizer will take several shorter attempts at various values before settling on one value to continue on with. This may cause the optimizer to take more iterations to finish but may have greater accuracy. If OPTIMIZER_STRATEGY_PERTURB_WHEN_CLOSE is defined, the optimizer will begin searching a wider range of values when it is getting close to a solution. This attempts to get the optimizer out of a local optima it may have found.
Although the user specifies the lambda, in order to give more family variety a multiplier is selected every 50 simulated families. So if 10,000 families are being simulated, 200 different lambdas will be used.
When simulating without the gamma model, the multiplier is a random value based on a normal distribution with a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0.3.
When simulating WITH the gamma model, the multiplier is drawn directly from a gamma distribution based on the selected alpha and a mean of 1. If clustering is requested via the -k parameter, the selected cluster multiplier is modified by a normal distribution with the mean at the value of the multiplier, and a standard deviation intended to reflect the number of clusters requested.
One of the most important concerns when searching a parameter space is what initial values to choose. Each of the three values that CAFE can search for has a particular initial guess strategy. For lambda values, the formula is 1 / (longest tree branch times a random number between 0 and 1). For epsilon values, the initial guesses are taken directly from the provided error model. For gamma values, a random value taken from an exponential distribution is used.
In some situations the values may fail. In this case, the scorer will return an infinite value and the optimizer will retry initialization, up to a number of attempts determined at compile time. If, after this number of attempts, the optimizer continues to fail, it will abort. The most likely cause of failure is too wide a variety of species sizes inside certain families, and a message will be shown giving the most likely families to remove from the analysis for success.
Many people have contributed to the CAFE project, either by code or ideas. Thanks to:
Ben Fulton
Matthew Hahn
Mira Han
Fabio Mendes
Gregg Thomas
Dan Vanderpool
CAFE uses the EasyLogging logging framework.
CAFE uses the DocTest testing framework.