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the whole project was made using Visual Studio Code, so all of the instructions is by using VSCode.

Android users can download the apk inside the directory apk_ready_to_use and install on their devices.

Getting Started

Flutter project - done with the course :
"Deep Learning Course with Flutter & Python - Build 6 AI Apps"

This project is about:

  • finding if the image contain a one of 5 types of flowers.
  • use Python to train a Neural Network (NN) and export a model,tflite file, to use on mobile devices.

This project was made in order to train in developing applications for iOS using Flutter framework.

Flower types:

  • daisy
  • dandelion
  • roses
  • sunflowers
  • tulips

How to use:

Before starting, verify that you have and configured Python on your system:

python --version

For linux/mac:

python3 --version

Also verify that you have and configured properly flutter on your system:

flutter doctor

Make sure you have installed VSCode on your system.

First, we need to create our tflite file to use in our app:

1. open with vscode

code lib/python

2. In the VSCode window open terminal and run:

(This wiil create a virtual envirement(venv) to use in this project)

python -m venv .env

For linux/mac:

python3 -m venv .env

3. Activate our new venv:



Command to activate virtual environment



$ source <venv>/bin/activate


$ source <venv>/bin/


$ source <venv>/bin/activate.csh

PowerShell Core

$ <venv>/bin/Activate.ps1



C:\> <venv>\Scripts\activate.bat


PS C:\> <venv>\Scripts\Activate.ps1

4. Install all required libreries in order to use our jupyter notebook with vscode:

pip install -r requirments.txt

For linux/mac:

pip3 install -r requirments.txt

5. Open create_tflite_file.ipynb and run all cells with the 2 arrows button.

  • NOTE - dependes on your computer, this stage can take a few minutes. you can watch the progress in last cells in the notebook.

6. On the root dir of your project you should see many new files and directories, but we want only 2:

  • model.tflite
  • labels.txt

7. Copy this 2 files to:


8. Open the flutter project and run it on your emulater/device.

  • NOTE - before running, make sure to have a picture of a flower on your phone, or use your camera.